I'm planning to do some fan art of some of girls I follow here and on Instagram.

Lord knows I need the practice and I won't get tired of looking at the girls. open I do all the ladies justice in traditional and digital media. H


Happy Halloween to one and all. The greatest holiday in my opinion of course. Just writing to update the peeps on what's going on with me. I am about to get our fall show at St Philip's College off and running next week on the 8th of November.

My classes have going well, I am currently procrastinating from writing a paper for English class, and...
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Cool !
thanks 8P

Well today was the most beautiful day out side so I took the pup for a couple walks. He smelled some stuff and marked a dead cat. Then my girl got out of work and we had a game night with friends playing a game called Munchkin the board game.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Pest,

Fernando "Roach" Garza

De rien
I matriculated yesterday, for the second time in my life, after 8 years of hiatus. Unfortunately I took a placement test for English and it placed me remedial classes. I'm not going to fret but it does our a kink in my schedule for next year. I am happy to say that I got into a drawing 1 class. I have never taken it before....
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If artist's block is anything like writer's block, you just gotta power through it. Sit down, paint anything. Even if it's crap. Your brain will wake up and remember how to make non-crap. You just might have to power through a few crap pieces along the way. If it works like writer's block, that's always the answer.
Thanks for the advise. Will attempt to do sobiggrin