Ok, working on putting up the photos... hopefully I'll get them up here tonight for everyone smile

Alrighty, the pics are finally up and in an album... though I wish SG would add an option for you to control the order for which pictures go in the album because once put in they're just stuck. Bit of a pain to not be able to reorganize 'em....
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Cool! Good job on the paint! Glad someone has a green bathroom, since I've since had to repaint mine beige. Also, Idjiit's mom has that same shower curtain in her bathroom! ha.

Take care, I bet its brutally cold there!
The pictures of the place look amazing!!!
We're sad you left NC, but it gives me a new place to visit!!! biggrin
I'm glad you & the lady are doing well!!
W00t! place is looking great now. Mom came in and turned into the slave driver to force me to unpack everything and get it all organized. Pain in the ass at the time but the results are definitely worth it. unfortunately though my camera is at the g/f's place so going to have to wait for the next update to gain some pics frown I promise...
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Can't wait to see pictures!!!! biggrin
Me too, waiting on those pics!
Well I made it all the way to Chicago and now have fingertips covered in paint and a nice little buzz going from the vapors smile The trip up went very well after the cats settled down and stopped meowing and panting from nervousness. Little things eventually got settled in and squeezed both their fat asses into one carrier to sleep the trip away. The g/f...
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I'm glad the move went well! But I'm sad that I never got a chance to meet you frown kiss
so glad to hear that things are going so well for you right now.
i've been there on the long distance thing and yeah, it is awesome to be able to be closer. i'm so happy for you smile

man aren't i glad i made it out for the chili party or else i would have missed you.
stupid victoria's secret making me so sad i couldn't make it to december party. oh well. i was too into some of the girls who came in so yeah it's for the best.

hope the job search is going well. i can totally relate to that too.

good luck with things. can't wait to see the pics! biggrin
So Thanksgiving has been a fun time so far just chilling with the cats and enjoying the peace and quite. Good time to just sit and reflect on all the crap from this summer and finally digest some of it. Gotta love the PTSD. I did finally this week put in my VA claim so we'll see what level of disability I end up with....
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You never used to update either. We go this weekend to do the dress fitting and all that fun stuff. I'm so excited! If you havent already sent it to Casey, I need your address and phone number so we can send you a wedding invite. wink
Well, even if you can't talk about your opinions, I'm pretty open to people disagreeing with me. So, either way, I can't wait until you're out of service so you can tell me all about it. I'm really in awe of/fascinated by people who have been through the kind of things that you have. Wow. That came off kind of condescending didn't it? I promise you I mean that in the positive way and not the patronizing way.
Something that made me chuckle, however, is how many people I know that would LOVE to only have to describe their emotions by filling in a bubble. Which is very very bizarre to me.
Officially single since Tuesday... mutual choice so no hard feelings... guess we're technically "on a break" but for now just relearning who and what I am right now. Having a blast doing it too wink

Sorry for the break, I know it is a pain.

Can't wait to catch up with you soon.

So it's time to let the cat out of the bag....


Made it back into the states on 19 August 2006 and can finally give my nerves a rest. I didn't post anything on here about it as I wanted to surprise my girl after her prelim. She passed it this past Wednesday and then was shocked out of her mind by me...
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Hey sugar,


We missed you. When you are ready, give us a call, and we will plan a great time with some wonderful SGNC friends.

kisses sweet one
Fist off, welcome home! I feel like I may be completely unable to understand what it would be like to be in the army. Perhaps conceptually on some level, but not really. Oh, and it makes me really happy that you're not getting shot at any more. My complete lack of understanding about what that might be like says, "Whoopee! You're pretty face will stay in tact!"
So good luck with finding a job. I have a suspicion that it won't be that hard for you.
Little old ladies are wierd and adorable, you're right. But she's not a little old lady. She's an upper middle aged BIG lady. And I'm trying REALLY hard to like her.
Time for another desert installment. Things here are getting a lot simpler as I made my way over to the International Zone this past week for some meetings and have been enjoying the crazy amenities they have here. State Department knows what the heck is going on and boy did Saddam have some nice gigs here. Palaces galore and pools all over the freakin place....
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I wish you could post pictures of the scenes you described. When are you due back? My company is gearing up for designing new nuke plants and hiring lots of people (in Charlotte, NC) if you are interested. It is kind of boring work right now, though. It will be a couple of years before the NRC approves our design. Have you thought about becoming a nuclear operator?

I will be in G-Vegas this weekend. My hometown is pretty close to it. Hope you will get to see Greenville up close and personal real soon!
Well finally got to a connection that would let me on here to update a little bit. So far let's just say things have been "tons of fun" to say the least. It's been a different experience than last time since we're out with the freakin Army. Of course they seem to make sure that I have at least 5 bosses on any given day,...
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So good to "hear" from you.

Wishing you all the best and a fast return.

Finally got the word, should be heading out this weekend. Just about freakin time. Biggest problem though is that right now they'll only let us bring two bags and a carry-on. Of course they issue you way too much shit to fit it all in to these few bags.
Finally got it all packed finally but now just waiting around as usual. Tons of fun.
Have fun over there fuckface. keep your head down, and tuck in your lip. Don't wanna get it caught on a tripwire. eeek
I got a message from RING for those who are interested ...
"alive and well in Mosul, Iraq... unfortunately I haven't been able to get a link that will allow me to view SG. Hope all is well.... Cheers!"

Wanted to share so we all know he is doing well.

back at Bragg yet again for more fun training. We've slipped our date again though, so still nothing to do... whoopie :-P
I have an idea....

up for a road trip??

