Too lazy to come up with a poem today, so here's this instead:
I WANT: another tattoo
I HAVE: a roof over my head and someone who loves me
I WISH: I could shapeshift
I HATE: close-minded fundamentalism
I MISS: five-and-dime stores
I FEAR: being vulnerable (but fear is the mind-killer)
I HEAR: the mermaids singing
I SEARCH: for knowledge and truth
I WONDER: why anyone on earth gives a shit about that brainless stick figure/attention whore, Paris Hilton
I REGRET: not going to college when I was younger
I LOVE: my family, my friends, my sweetie, my cat and the Goddess
I ACHE: when I wear the wrong walking shoes
I ALWAYS: look both ways before crossing the street
I AM NOT: a bubble-headed bimbo
I DANCE: Middle Eastern raqs sharqi (that's belly dance to you, buster!), very amateurishly
I SING: terribly off-key
I CRY: when I need the physiological release of crying
I AM NOT ALWAYS: in the mood for interaction with other people
I WRITE: when I'm inspired and because I must, and when I finish I'm drained
I WIN: the lottery almost never. OK, never.
I LOSE: anything and everything. Nobody loses stuff faster than me. Nobody.
I CONFUSE: the heck out of people when I walk down the street
I NEED: to get off the computer and start getting the house ready for Friday night; my coven is coming over for Movie Night (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
I SHOULD: do some homework too
Now you try!
I WANT: another tattoo
I HAVE: a roof over my head and someone who loves me
I WISH: I could shapeshift
I HATE: close-minded fundamentalism
I MISS: five-and-dime stores
I FEAR: being vulnerable (but fear is the mind-killer)
I HEAR: the mermaids singing
I SEARCH: for knowledge and truth
I WONDER: why anyone on earth gives a shit about that brainless stick figure/attention whore, Paris Hilton
I REGRET: not going to college when I was younger
I LOVE: my family, my friends, my sweetie, my cat and the Goddess
I ACHE: when I wear the wrong walking shoes
I ALWAYS: look both ways before crossing the street
I AM NOT: a bubble-headed bimbo
I DANCE: Middle Eastern raqs sharqi (that's belly dance to you, buster!), very amateurishly
I SING: terribly off-key
I CRY: when I need the physiological release of crying
I AM NOT ALWAYS: in the mood for interaction with other people
I WRITE: when I'm inspired and because I must, and when I finish I'm drained
I WIN: the lottery almost never. OK, never.
I LOSE: anything and everything. Nobody loses stuff faster than me. Nobody.
I CONFUSE: the heck out of people when I walk down the street
I NEED: to get off the computer and start getting the house ready for Friday night; my coven is coming over for Movie Night (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
I SHOULD: do some homework too
Now you try!

might even go anon.
I WANT: My ex to come back and things get back to the way they were.
I HAVE: a puppy, and that's pretty cool
I WISH: I was dead
I HATE: those odd green potato chips at the bottom of the bag
I MISS: being 21
I FEAR: Sock Puppets
I HEAR: ringing, all the damn time
I SEARCH: for something I can never have
I WONDER: what I did wrong
I REGRET: most things I do
I LOVE: nothing anymore, I am an empty vessel
I ACHE: all the time inside and out
I ALWAYS: dream of better days
I AM NOT: made of paella
I DANCE: worse than any other person on the planet
I SING: like a poodle being shot out of a tuba
I CRY: when I am alone
I AM NOT ALWAYS: doing what I am supposed to be doing
I WRITE: with lots of speeling mistakes
I WIN: at being a loser
I LOSE: everything I care about
I CONFUSE: lawnmowers and hair dryers frequently
I NEED: more than I will get
I SHOULD: have never walked away.
[Edited on Dec 07, 2003 11:15AM]