This week I start my full Tattoo journey, I've always been scared of the pain but now that I know the industry secrets I think I'm ready, Plus It's going to be featured in Inked mag so I'm excited. here's what I have so far.


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So I have been working on a secret album, this album.

This is the cover, the music will consist of songs that are very very very personal to me. Each song was written and recorded the very moment the emotion became unbearable, when the feelings just consumed me. I needed to let them out before I exploded into a voided vessel.

Songs that were never
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2018 has given me so much pain and so much joy I will say no names but, an SG Hopeful was once my everything, and one day she was the instrument of my destruction.

What started off as a beautiful movie of sex, love, passion, hair pulling, kissing, holding hands down the street, well you get the picture, turned into a very dangerous question "How...
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