First world problems

Went down to grab some food for dinner/breakfast while I was at work and picked up a couple of those 2 for $3 yoghurts, different flavours of course. One for dessert that night and one for breakfast in the morning. Went back to work and made dinner. No issues. Went to get one of the yoghurts for dessert and realised I'd accidentally...
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Well hello!
Well hello there yourself! wink
I've had an unusually creative and optimistic couple of days. From sound design, to graphic design, to website design to performance concepts my mind has been running so rich and so fast with ideas I have been struggling to keep up with them. Exciting times are ahead!

I have no real idea where this change of pace came from but I am riding it for...
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A scorpion was wandering along the bank of the river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river.
The fox said, "No. If I do that, you'll sting me and I'll drown."
The scorpion assured him, "If I did that, we'd both drown."
So the fox thought...
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On the slow recovering from the annual SG Ball. I am genuinely surprised I am not permanently curled into the foetal position. I am still finding stripper money in the front pockets of my clothes. I befriended a bunch awesome AWESOME people. More on this later as my brain decides it's safe to come out of hiding from this freak show excess.

I've now got...
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had to give you a shout out just for the handle...

Love the name.
Thanks smile
Howdy fellow SG members. I'm not really good with the whole blogging thing so bear with me. I'm just not really into the whole "MY FEELINGS ARE IMPORTANT!!! LISTEN TO ME INTERWEBZ!!!". I am here because of some real life friends and to expand that out.
Welcome aboard. I am pretty terrible with the blog thing here. We reply to comments on the senders blog here...DUN DUN! ^^ Hope you enjoy having a look around.
haha, well I am just feeling my way around for the moment. It's a pretty big site to navigate.eeek