So, back again...thankfully, I have internet at home again, so it won't be months between visits...
Finally moved...and already, things are a ton better. My ex-roommate turned out to be...unstable (looong story), but I had seen it coming, thankfully. And within weeks, my quality of living has increased a dozen-fold. Internet (porn), a roommate that cooks, and $80 a month cheaper, to boot!
And, oh yeah - I gots me a new boy:

This is Cohen. Cohen is awesome. Soon I will teach Cohen to walk upright and together start a Vaudeville revival act. Oh, yes.
In Sadder News...George Carlin and Stan Winston, within a week of each other...!?!?!?
Finally moved...and already, things are a ton better. My ex-roommate turned out to be...unstable (looong story), but I had seen it coming, thankfully. And within weeks, my quality of living has increased a dozen-fold. Internet (porn), a roommate that cooks, and $80 a month cheaper, to boot!
And, oh yeah - I gots me a new boy:

This is Cohen. Cohen is awesome. Soon I will teach Cohen to walk upright and together start a Vaudeville revival act. Oh, yes.
In Sadder News...George Carlin and Stan Winston, within a week of each other...!?!?!?

Is Cohen named for Leonard?
welcome back