Letter to Steven

I'm going to try and send my friend Steven (who is in a submarine) more emails because I'm an asshole and havn't been sending enough his way and to kill two birds with one stone I'm going to posy them(edited for content of corse) here and other places.

I'm going to try

can you be sent images?

me and rich (who I...
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nuff said
I've moved back into my grandmas house and my self esteem stayed at my old place.


I have to eat around the same time everyday which means eating if im not hungrey which is weird.

"The lizard wakes up and finds he's the last lizard alive.
His family and friends are all gone.
Those he didn't like,
those who picked on...
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its funny because the other day i watched a movie called "secret of the univers" http://www.asecretoftheuniverse.com/null
it talked about how thinking positivly can affect your life and then i had a falling out at work and now

i havea no joba
which is bad cause no job= no moneybut
no wash dishes= me happy so yeah it could go either way
here to getting...
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First time guess its time to pop this blog cherry


i really have nothing t tlak about except i just had to pick up my sister from work becuase her car died.


Read a Book!
Read a Book!
Read a Mother Fucking Book!