ok.. im thinking.. i need another tattoo... fast...

lol im having withdrawls from getting inked...

i love how my stomich feels when i get ready to sit in the chair to start...
i love watching the artist think about their work....

i love love love the feeling of looking at your brand new addition to your body forever.,..

i nnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddddd it

haha i can think...
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I hate her. Thanks for the reassurance. That video is hilarious though. I love watchin it. She's super lame.

I did my hair in Indiana....

its currently blue with blond....

for another 2 whole days...


I got another tattoo in Indiana...

At Hollywood's Tattoos

it took the artist 3 times to get it right... no joke.. the first time it looked like a 2 year old colored it in... so i went back 3 hours after i got it done the 1st time...
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lol so ive been thinking.. i need my hair done bad.. lol.. its to.. uh.. normal... lmao

went to SG night last month
fun times

harry potter comes out tonight lol


i leave for Mich. tomorrow night....
and indiana the 22nd ooo aaa
so its been a while sense ive posted.. sorry.. lol

ohio weather is finally looking normal... kinda...

been boring...

rock on
sara whatever
how long will it last? thats what i always ask when Ohio decides to be nice and have great weather like yesterday!

seriously how long will it last?

ooo aaa
you coming out to Havana tomorow night cause thatd rock.
I finally got my Tonsils Out yeaterday! yay! the worse part was getting my IV in because the only vein they found was in my right wrist...but that was the worstpart.. i was in barely any pain and now im up and about and being normal sara...:-)

its been 24hours!

Haha... if any of you live in ohio or around that area and have looked outside anytime sense well tuesday... lol....
i had to cancel my surgery valentines day cause of the level 3 snow emergancy and the fact there was no way in a hot hell we were getting my car outta the snow... lol

so one more month of freedom! whatever
It's friggin evil and it needs to go away! bah!
ok so valentines day is D-Day... lol... its totally not gonna be the day for love and sex and whatever for me... lol

im going to get my tonsils out valentines day....lol... yup...


and i was reading my booklet and it says i cant take any pain meds for 10 days before the surgery.. so that means as of the 4th or wahtever i...
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Hope your car didn't pick today to listen to you and breakdown wink BRRRR
Sorry it took me so hella long to say thanks for your supersweet comment on my new set smile
your comment really meant a lot to me! smile
So.... reason im all sick and stuff isnt cause im sick its cause my tonsils are aparently HUGMONGUS and stuff...

so i gotta get those fuckers out asap the doc says....

and he says it isnt natural to be able to bring that thing that looks like a boxers ball thingy in the middle of my throat , into my mouth and touch it with...
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