After a few drinks and some soul searching, I feel much better about my situation in life. In fact, I might just do another shoot to send in here. Anyone have cool ideas for a theme? I have a few myself, but I like ideas. World, get ready to see my titties. eeek
Good luck with the next set...sorry no ideas right yetsmile
hope you're doing well and having a good weekend.
As for the world seeing your titties, if they've seen them already they like them if they haven't they'll love them smile

take care beautiful love love biggrin
hey girl whats shakin hope life is good.
Yeah, so I am having a very difficult time coping with my breakup with my boyfriend. I don't know what to do. I can feel myself falling in love with a friend who I've known a lot longer than my ex, but I can also feel myself holding myself back. How can I just give myself to someone else when I've spent the last few...
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sorry to hear things aren't going to well... Hopefully things will get better they tend to just takes time. best of luck . kiss kiss
it's hard to weigh something that out...
but if he does make you happy that's all that matters, even if the rest of the situation is shitty.
Gotta get through it, yep. Moving on, thinking about getting a photographer for my next attempt at SGdom. My monroe got removed and swallowed(?) during a romp in the bedroom. So, no more monroe. Sadness. I got my lip pierced on the other side to restore balance to my chi...or something. It's sore. Maybe I need less bedroom romps. ARRR!!!
i've swallowed or lost my monroe quite a few times in the bedroom...
but it's always so worth it.
Ever feel like you got your heart/intestines ripped out and tied into knots and around a rock and then thrown into a river of hellish fire? I have. I feel like that now. This is the kind of heartbreak I'll be telling my unborn daughter about when she's my age and saying "I got through it, everyone has to." I don't feel like I'll get...
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FINALLY, NAKEDNESS! My sample set is up in my picture section, so if you would like to give me some feedback (other than the background, I know it sucks!!!), please do. Only thing is, it's backwards, so I go from naked to clothed. And, if you don't like curvy girls, don't bother, because I'm a size 10 and not a twig. eeek
Curvy girls are awesome. I hope you try again. A stronger theme might work. Your personallity does show in the pictures, which is good smile
Well, I seem to have made it through alright and just have to say: don't drink. Note to self, anyway. Which I haven't been. Yay for me. I love love. love
that's good to hear you made it throughsmile hope things continue to go well have a great weekend smile
I am COMPLETELY heart broken and i don't know if i can go on. puke
Hey beautiful hope things get better. Hope everything else is going well otherwise kiss
you can make it....you have big pretty eyes..... smile
Yes, so with the help of professionals, I have come to the decision that I care too much about my teeth to have my tongue pireced, whether it be twice or just once. Oh pooh. Seeing as I'm STILL wearing a retainer for that shit, it's not going to happen. I did get my neck pierced in a cross type pattern...
Well. A picture shall...
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GOD DAMN IT. Stop, collaborate, and listen. Okay...sooo my body mod addiction requires funding, and I don't have any money. Plus, if I get any more piercings my boyfriend might disown me. I DON'T CARE, I WILL STILL BE HOT(TER?) HA! yes, i want a monroe. and.....AHHH why!? I need more more. Blah, I'm rammmbling. Bored. I cancelled my appointment for the vagina doctor. FUCK...
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I just got my tattoo on my ribs finished and it hurrrrrtsss. i want my tongue pierced twice. ARRR!!!
you should so do it...let me know..ive been thinking of getting mine pierced twice...im too chicken most of the time or too broke when im feeling brave.....i was reading about what you wrote about girls in your area..its the same in va too...ive tired...and everyone is so wrapped up in themselves its alittle well sicking...so yeah i totally understand you there....well im rambling like i always do...later gator oink
Ooooh cool! What did you get? Glad you liked the picture smile