So I recorded some crazy chant music with a bunch of vocal takes and a drone underneath it. I'm debating whether or not I'll post it on my myspace page yet, because I'm quite sure the mix is gonna be shit - I've mixed it in headphones and that never transfers over well. But if you wanna check it out, it'll probably be on my...
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jameswyper painted it! i am actually at his house right now and he is painting right beside me.
I totally understand what you mean by feeling freer when you're working. I paint because I MUST. I mean, I LOVE it, but I MUST or I'll explode. It's the best way for me to channel into the core of me.

I also agree it can be amazing what another creating spirit can do for ideas and more creation. It's always nice to have a partner in crime. I have many creative friends but none have yet to mingle with me in a collaborative kinda way.

Yes, that is Roger in all those photos.

I have about 4 new paintings to put up - but they need minor touch ups and my computer crashed so it's taking me a little more time than usual. Whenever I'm online it's the roomies computer...which doesn't have the programs I need. Eh.

All in all, I'm okay.
i've just noticed that more than once I've had dreams in which there's an upsetting incident or situation and I lose my voice completely. like i'll be in an argument and even tho i'm sure i'm right and could explain myself if given the chance, my throat and mouth become so dry that i can't even speak clearly. And so all i am is this...
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Bad dreams blow. Miss talking to you!
Everything is dying. Everyone i know is dying. They were all born dying. And I'm supposed to carry on my merry way and never think about it. Never worry about it. Never know what it means or if it means anything. Just knowing that sooner or later everything goes away. Nothing sensationalized or dramatic. Just a lacking which is beyond any explanation or definition.
I thought I was over it - but I still find myself with the nagging feeling of wanting certain people to like me and being frustrated by their lack of interest. What's the reason?

and please, if you haven't already heard this song, put it on right before you turn out the lights and go to bed. You won't regret it, i swear.
Yes, the pointlessness is the very reason I also try to stay away from as many networking/social communities as possible. Also I like having some amount of control over what I publish about myself and what not and things like Facebook where people from ones past and present and different areas of life can make their way into your life again or make public things you view as personal and you'd rather not share are an absolute no for me. A lot of my friends are pretty taken aback when they hear I don't have Facebook, like that would be the same as saying I don't want to communicate with them. But I think it's the other way around. If I can read every waking hour what they are up to, see photos of what they did with their other friends, know what they're planning for the weekend it just takes away the part of communication where you actively make a call and ask how someone is doing, rather than trying to read off their mood from a fucking status bar.

Have you used Facebooks? What's your impression?

I can also reeeally not understand why anyone would want to share the same parts of their lives with their close friends as they do with their colleagues or parents. Maybe that's just me, wanting to keep certain domains separate from one another in life... is that about to die out?
indeed, alas, it is done. :/
stupid family
OK. So being creatively frustrated as I am is the single most annoying element of human existence. Day in and day out my mind bubbles with creative ideas that in all likelihood will never see the light of day.
I kid you not - I am a creative genius. The ideas that I have extend beyond what anyone else out there is presenting right now....
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thank you, as always, for your thoughtful and insightful comments. i love your long-as comments on my journal. they are a delight to read, if somewhat overwhelming to respond to wholly (at times).

you say things in a very clear and succinct way. of course you're right. and thank you - your calling me independent and aspiring has made me feel more confident in being both of those things. i appreciate it.

now, about what you've said here, that does sound like a really frustrating feeling. and a fear that is probably justified. but as kant tells us, we are bound by duty to build our skills and talents. we are given them and it is our responsibility as members of humanity to develop them. you aren't necessarily doing it for yourself, or for others, but to enrich humanity itself.

as if that makes ANYONE feel better. thanks again for nothing, kant.

do you think you'll ever really make something you feel is of merit? do you think you'll ever really be happy with the things that you create? so many artists are cursed with that constant sense of imperfection.

you are so lucky that you have things to say. that you have a creative core that needs expression, and that you have the motivation to get there. is it the means you're lacking? well. there are many, many ways to make art.
Would posting more photos make my journal more appealing/accessible to read?
pictures of bottom!
I've been so caught up in talking to old friends that i've barely gotten anything done the last 3 weeks. And not like the whole chit-chat "how have you been!?" but like getting into really deep personal discussions about attitudes and philosophies and realizing that there are people i knew when i was a teenager that somehow I connected to on such a profound level...
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that is the cutest pitbull ever! biggrin
i hate when they have trimmed ears puke
i have no idea what the attitude towards them here is, i was always a bit skeptical about bull terriers

but iv actually gotten quite fond of them also, they can be the sweetest dogs ever if brought up right.
well that goes for any dog really.
not that i want a dog of my own, when i finally move out i plan to stay pet-less

i hope you're right about the awesomity of my short hair! looking like a bull dyke would make me sad. looking like tank girl would be the coolest thing ever! i love tank girl. Though i dont think im going quite that short. ...
and yes i would most definitely dye my hair something cool again. iv been dreaming about having blue hair for YEARS. alas, 2 things are stopping me: crazy coloured hair dye has to be bought from the internet and sent from civilized countries (america or uk) and.... i am poor and that shit is expensive! :/ i am working on this general plan tho
you think i'd make a good Tank girl biggrin thats awesome
um... i don't think it's really mine, maybe my local subculture. my friends say it's a BC thing.
Yaay you're out there taking pictures I see! Keep on it!

Oooh no no, dont leave a million comments, that is not at all what I was asking in the blog. I hate spammers and people who beg for comments on their sets in member review and that isn't something that makes a set get bought, probably on the contrary. No - I just thought since I also know how hard work it is shooting sets for girls it would be nice to give P_mod some appreciation for the work he put into shooting that set. It is very much thanks to him and his photography that the tribute to the film was so spot on.

The new set hasn't gone into member review yet, I think its a couple hours left.
Some day I'm going to write a book and it's going to be fucking great. And i hope it'll inspire people. I want to be a catalyst for social change sometimes. But mostly, I just want to better the lives of the few people that I like in this world.
Ok then I will go see it!

Well, you can hear what I sound like in two of my videos that are in the video section of my profile. In real life swedish people wouldn't say "ya" at the end of sentances.. so I have no idea where the film people have got that idea from. I mean, you wouldn't end a sentance with a "yes" (which ja means) in swedish OR in "swenglish". Not even if you're asking something - which is more common in english - yes? ;D
It's more likely that one would use it in the beginning of one.
I do have a little bit of an accent though - on certain words. Its probably even more detectable in every day kind of conversation. When I write journals and stuff like that I usually sit and think quite hard about finding the right words for what I try to express. But when I'm just talking I'm not as careful and so its harder to remember what certain things are called in english if I'm more used to saying them in swedish.. or thinking about them in swedish.
whoa, what the fuck? The soundtrack for the new Twilight movie actually sounds like its going to be amazing.
Ooh are you a twillighter? I have never seen one of the films or read any of the books, is it true that the main fascination is mainly due to a hot actor? Or is there some deeper quality in there somewhere?

The photos that were in the top in the journal, like from the vacant house, those are all film. I've been shooting as much as I can afford in film lately because I love the way they come out. There is a real difference, even though there are endless ways to make a digital image look filmy.
One you cannot control as much, so you cannot shoot tons of the same thing. Just hope that that one shot is ok. Which makes for more spontaneus pictures imho.
For all the latest Prague sets I've only used natural light. It's what I like the most. (Those are of course in digital though).

I think you shouldn't worry about having great equiptment and all that, its the motif and the composition that means the most. For me, at least, when I look at photos.