I might as well make use of this journal since I'm on here.

The long weekend was a good chance to finally clean the apartment. It's amazing how much clutter can accumulate. I bought a few things I wanted. I got a blender to make smoothies and a water filter to take the chemical taste out of the tap water.

Next weekend, I'm doing a...
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Sometimes, I forget to check back here.
I've gone digital. I finally got a digital SLR camera. Will it change my life? Probably not.
I don't update here very often. I doubt that anyone's reading this. If you're at all interested in my goings on, you can check out my livejournal. My name over there is zaaz. Perkunas is a pre-Christian Lithuanian god (just in case you were wondering).

I will be in Alaska for the first two weeks of April.
I really need a better photo. I'm going to work with another photographer on a goth shoot next week, so maybe I can get her to shoot some headshots of me. Blah.

The goth chick is only 17, which is why I'm doing the shoot in conjunction with a female photographer. I don't want any misunderstandings. Hopefully, I'll be doing a session with a girl...
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The extra female is a good idea... Do you have any of you work for others to see on the web?
You can see some of my work at www.bp-photo.com. I just added two folders under pics with samples of some recent work.
I'm going to try to organze an informal photographer's coop in the Tampa area. It would be a way for people to share information and resources. I was also thinking of trying to do an SG get together for area photographers and members who are looking for photographers.

Comments welcome.
There may be other groups in the area. The few camera clubs I've found are more for retirees looking to share travel pictures than semi-pro shooters looking to take the next step.
Obviously if I am pink it means I found a good photographer and better lighting. smile

[Edited on Mar 02, 2004 3:24PM]
I've got two models in Alaska interested in workig with me. This should make things a little more interesting while I'm up there. smile
I saw that you ahd posted pics from the show on the Burlesque Group- But I cannot get into it.
I'm going to Alaska again in March. I'll be going to Minnesota with my brother for his surgery, then flying with him back to Alaska for the first two weeks of recovery. If need be, I'll stay longer.
I shot some promotional pictures for a belly dancer today.

I'm working at the radio station again tonight. It's going to be another long night.
I think I'm going to see Margaret Cho this weekend. I need to try to get tickets today.
After the Pennywise show, I stopped by the State Theatre just to be social. It was a local band night and I had a chance to chat with Dave about the SG show. He told me he was trying to hook up the tour manager with a promoter who handles old school burlesque acts. Hmmm.

I was about to leave, when an old classmate, Elaine...
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I don't live in your area but if you need general belly dance info let me know... smile