Not much going on. Marching season is over, with a heartbreaking end. All season long in 1st and 2nd place, and "interesting" judging and a not super-clean show at championships put us in 9th place out of 16, 1.15 points out of playing at finals the next day. Tough break. Lots of tears.

This is one of my favorite senior classes we've had (been teaching...
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Note to self... Gordon Biersch Blonde Bock should not be used for beer pong. Also, why am I still playing beer pong? Damn you cousins. An amazing Saturday night (me thinks) turned yesterday into a total waste.

Now back to the grind. I'm thinking the cycling offseason will end soon, I'm getting cranky and lethargic. I think I'll add Yoga and running to this winters...
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Wow, awesome show last night. My kids won 1st place in their division, less then 2 points from A/AA/AAA Sweepstakes. Also, they took home 1st place in Music. That one means a lot to me, it means I'm doing my job as music tech and brass tech. Or at least so far I am. Now is the fun time... Time to clean the hell out...
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Before yesterday, I had no idea what "Fleet Week" in San Fran was. Now, I still don't, but apparently it has to do with airplanes, or military stuff or something, and fucking traffic. I ended up missing the ceremony of a friends wedding, walking into the building as it ended. Oh well, my fault since I was warned in advance, but it was still irritating...
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Had a GREAT concert last week. Aside from a rather slow start in Shosty's Festive Overture, everything went off really well. All my solos in Copland's Rodeo were nailed, as well as the one in Ades' "These Premises Are Alarmed", a modern piece that grew on me more and more as we rehearsed it.

And, for the first time, I was mentioned BY NAME in...
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It's hot. I don't mind the heat, even on rides, it gets up over 100 in spots.

However, getting into my car in the mid-afternoon and climbing into a 140+ degree sauna is not cool.

Not at all.

I'll be playing an outdoor concert with the Symphony in a couple weeks, in Redwood City. Good music. Copland's "Rodeo", Paganini's "2nd Violin Concerto", Shostakovich's "Festive Overture",...
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Wow, no blog since July 6th. Such a slacker I am...

Really though, it's been a crazy summer. ALC 9, an impromptu weekend trip to Oregon for a wedding, teaching SJSU's Summer Music Camp, and finally Band Camp at the high school ending last week, then the craziness of the first week of school and band room locker checkout.

Anyway, expect more later, I'm sure...
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Great 4th: Some good and some bad:

The good: Hung out with friends and ended up playing a great new game. Walking soccer. You MUST walk, no running at all, and at all times you must have a drink in your hand. Great times.

The bad: Trying to walking slide tackle my sister, missing her completely, and stubbing my right big toe into the ground...
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Walking soccer? BRILLIANT!!!
Cocktail in hand? BRILLIANT!!!
Potentially broken toe? OUCH!!! blackeyed

The terrible thing about toes is that the doc will probably just tape it up and tell you to go easy on it. All those years of medical school for THAT? Not so brilliant.

Heal up and enjoy the rest of your summer. Got band camp coming up? I've been actually brought on to do some simple field instruction/marching basics at a camp in August. Yay!
Wow, that was a fast year... Actually, it was a fast 5 months. Seems like just yesterday I was sitting in my room, sipping tea, hoping the rains would let up in February or March.

Nope. It's finally better now, but only as of last week. Looks like we will have great, if not uber hot, weather on the ride this year, so those of...
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Awesome.. Have a safe journey and may travelling mercies be yours.

Mohawk? Pictures or it didn't happen! wink
April 1st? WTF? Where have I been?

Yeah, I don't know either. Oh well.

1 week till the big ride. Training is behind due to shitty winter weather, but oh well. The nice thing, though, is that even though I am about 300 miles behind where I was last year, I am actually stronger and faster now. Works for me!

It FINALLY looks like the...
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Alas, I'm beginning to think that sunshine is a thing of the past here in Oregon. We've had the grayest, wettest most cold, rainy May in about 20 years. Bottle up some of that California sun and send it our way, would ya? PLEEEEEEZ!!! blackeyed

good luck and have fun on the big ride. You'll kick ass, I'm sure. smile