so how is it that i went from having tons of friends and hanging out all of the time to never leaving the house and reluctant to hang out with anyone? it sucks! That is what divorce does to you when your ex is a douche and likes causing you misery!! GRRRRfrown
Not really down but not up either - kinda stuck - broke is an understatement confused
Hi Peachie....
You look a lot like someone I know. How long have you been out of work?? What kinda of work did you do if I can ask smile
I have been out of work since July - I was a Business Analyst for 3 years and before that a supervisor in a call center - i am looking for anything right now.
Well it is quite a few months later!! Oops - I am horrible about updating this! i don't have mono anymore which is a big yay!! However i am still pretty sick which is a huge boo!! So after 6 months of staying home for 6 weeks, stomach hurting, dr apt's, headaches, and everything else still no clue what is wrong! So I am just...
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So a whole lot of nothing going on with me!! Right now i am stuck home with mono frown so not any fun at all! I am off work for 3 weeks that will eat up all of my PTO which sucks so much! UGH!!! On the plus side maybe I can lose some weight haha!
If you have not seen this video yet you should for sure!! One of the funniest websites in relation to the youtube clip on the right side of this site - Thank you AOTS!

Maps For Us smile
One of the most fascinating things to me is the weather - I am such a weather junkie its ridiculous!! I have my firefox web browser all set up with my weather tool bar that gives me current weather and the weather advisories, sounds boring but it is awesome. Well tonight it pops up 2 warnings that there is a Thunderstorm heading my way at...
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So watched LA Ink tonight - finally remembered to DVR it! I love to watch the show along with Miami Ink - but then afterwards I want to go get a tattoo - but then comes the topic of what to get next. I have so many ideas of what to get and not sure where to put them etc.... tongue

mm thank you for commenting my first set! im glad you think so
So I am wicked excited!! I finally got my lip pierced!!

It took a few years to do it because of work and just not being as into piercings as previously. I dreamed about doing it last night with a cute yellow star stud - so I knew today I had to do it. Needless to say it wasn't a cute yellow stud - but...
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