Hello SG, how is everyone doing? Good i hope. Just as i hoped to enjoy my vacation time i've been struck with a headache that won't go away.

I was driving and all of a sudden a sharp pain hit me in the back of the head and spread to the front side of my head and then my right eye began to hurt. THen...
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Eek, no fun. Have you tried warm packs or coffee and tea?
Sounds like a nasty migraine. Avoid bright lights. Drink lots of water. Watch your stress levels.
Drink caffeine too. It helps.
Nov 8, 2009

I think this is the best i have felt in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time. It feels incredible waking up in the mornings and decide if you want to sleep in or not or even deciding on what to do through out your day. I'm not used to this freedom that i begin to feel as though i have to eventually go back to...
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I know this is painful to have to do this, but she owes you that money and is trying to be sneaky about it. And she has most likely gotten away with it in the past, but people like this need to be taken to court, need to be reported, and need to be smacked down. It is unconscionable that she would do this.

I'm sending lots of good vibes you way and hope your sitch starts getting better. I know the money issue is stressful, but try and enjy every moment of free time you have. You deserve it.

Quitting a job that you hate has to be the best feeling ever, I hope when I quit my job I will feel just as good as you.

I hope you have a lot of fun at the fashion show.

What in the hell, did you tell the lady off? If not you should have, you should have been, well I have more experience then anyone working here, can you not even read, if you could you would have seen it on my application.

Well it doesnt sound like you are wanting to focus on your career, sounds like you are wanting to focus on getting a family, you didnt say that you wanting to be doing what ever kind of work by the time your 27, which if fine, as long as that is what makes you happy.

Go you, get that bitch, she cant do that to you, she will learn to not fuck with peoples life like this.
Surprise, surprise... well.. let me start by asking everyone how was their halloween? good i hope. Mine was ok... i left trick or treating a little late with my nephew so we didn't get much candy which sux but it was fun. I wanted to take all six kids but they left with another relative and we only had one.

So about the third week...
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need help exploring? wink
Glad you left. I really hate people that are that psychotic and think they are always right and everyone else around them is in the wrong. I decline to work for those types any more.

I hope you enjoy your time and get a fabulous job with someone who appreciates your and all the hard work you give them.

hang tough sweetie.
OCtober 17th 12:03 pm.....

I'm currently baking cupcakes to sell for a $1. My bro's football team asked us to sell tix for $20 each to raise $200 but who honestly would want to buy a raffle ticket for $20?

So we have to pay the money no matter what. So we came up with the idea of selling cupcakes. We're crossing our fingers.

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*hugs* hope things turn around. Good luck with the Cupcakes smile I'm all about Cupcakes.... smile
If I lived around there I would buy a cupcake.

Well that is great, Im glad your phone company is working with you, that is very nice of them.

Wow your dad is tuff, I dont think I could even work 2 jobs, unless I really liked them.

Im so sorry, your dad may need to have some one to talk to, you need to let him know that you are there for him.

She is breaking the law, by law you have to get a lunch and breaks, I have worked in every kind of job and they all had to give us breaks by law, call the labor people on her, or what ever it is called, find a new job and then tell her why her places is going under.

Go you, you should do that and you should tell her why you quit and tell her why her office is going under and then just walk out, it will really fuck her up.

You should also tell some one about that, if she is spending money that she isnt suppose to be spending then she is also breaking the law.

Hello Gorgeous SG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feeling INCREDIBLE TODAY! Ok ok... i will admit... i gave into the pills again, they have my blood pumping and have me all hyped up! I have this amazing adrenalin rush going on right now that it feels great!

However, i just remembered why i got off of them in the first place, it brings up my blood pressure and my family...
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Honestly, it sounds like you are addicted to them already. It sounds like you are getting high off of them, which would explain your withdrawal symptoms. I honestly think you need to stop. The pills aren't going to make money for you, find a job for your sister, or make your brother want to talk to you. BTW, with you brother, he is a teenager now right? You just need to make sure that you are clear-headed enough to spot whether or not HE is doing drugs--the things you said are a big sign of drugs and maybe even depression. Im telling you right now, I don't want the only friend in my life without kids to be an addict. Love you G!
maybe you should look into getting some different pills, there are a lot of them out there, maybe there is a better one for you.

Well maybe if you just take the rest of them and slowly get off of them then you will feel a lot better.

Maybe he just doesnt know how to be social, Im the same way, I just dont know how to do it anymore, your just going to have to keep trying, maybe he will come out of it, trying is all you can really do.

Well she may have to go to a temp agency, that is really the best way to get a job now a days.
Hello SG! smile

Well Friday was pretty awesome! We went to Knotts and had a blast. My camera didn't arrive so i couldn't take any pix frown. We were tired. There were so many people and such long lines! The only thing that i regret not doing is getting on the rides. The only ride we got on was Big Foot Rapids and we got soaked!...
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well Im glad you had fun, even if you were wet and tired.

What kind of food do they have at Johnny Rockets?

Im so very sorry you got sick, that is never fun.

I dont watch a lot of TV but there are some things that really are great and I learn so much from them.

That just isnt right, there has got to be something you can do, you cant pay a bill like that on your own, that is way to much money.

Things have always been tuff for me.

I love Halloween.
Things will only improve from here on in! And Halloween is bound to be fantastic!
So i'm not sure what was bothering my Dad but he seems better now. I think it was the fact that we talk more to my mom but that's because she calls us and doesn't want to stop talking lol.

He was also sick. So he felt like shit. His sister passed away two days ago and he was pretty close to her too. I'm...
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sorry to hear about your aunt, but it's good your dad is doing better.
Oh man, I'm SO stoked for Halloween! It's like what it feels like when you're about to turn 10 years old and you're getting a pony! Do you know what you're being this year? I have too many ideas, my head is going to explode!
TGIF!!!!!!!! I'm so happy its Friday. Seriously... This is the day i look foward to all week.

Long week if i must add.

Today i went to go see how my car was doing, its almost done, just needs the paint job.

I also have to go to the bank and cash the check. I forgot to drop off my lil bro's football equipment so...
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hey peaches how are u?? xx
try talking to them separatly. if you get the same reactions out of him, at least your mom is spared. There's gotta be some issue he isn't bringing up or that doesn't have anything to do with you (which your mom can't just blurt out while supervised).

sucks about not being able to work out.. tried jogging?
Sooo tired. Up last night talking to Julian about our issue. Don't know where it's going to go but i hope it's where we want to be.

About your comments, nikonphoto80 and Giggles you guys should try throwing a party with a friend. If you guys have your own place you can even make it big! Have freinds invite friends and you can have girls...
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How cute, your bro is in band?? What does he play?
Try to catch up on your sleep. I don't want you falling asleep while driving, OK? love
Whoa, so to recap on my weekend....

Friday was a busy busy day at work. I'm behind and need to catch up. Luckily we are getting more and more patients every week. If this keeps up, I will get my raise as promised! biggrin

I was supposed to have left work early in order to work on my cousin's hair to see how it will turn...
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Holy Crap! That's a lot of stuff!

Maybe you could have a small Halloween party?

i hope you get your raise.

That is crazy, I would never have a party at my parents house, it would just feel odd.

Damn that sounds crazy, Im glad everyone left before the helicopter was called.

That fucking sucks, you should see if the FDA really does say that, the insurance companies always tries to fuck people when they can.

Im glad you got his meds.

That was very mean of Julian, men are pigs a lot of the time, he should have wanted to stay there with you and keep you company.

I hope your cousin had a good birthday.

Did he say anything to you about not picking him up?

Im really glad your nephew is ok and Im glad you were ok way back in HS, I would have been so scared to.

That is really nice of the guy that is fixing your car.

I would like to throw a Halloween party but I know that no one will show up, no one even shows up for my birthday, plus my friend has a party every year so the couple of people that might show up will be going to her party.
Well ladies and gents, today is another and BETTER day.

I have thought a lot about the phone bill and have come up with ways to solve the issue. OT and tattoos. It will take a while but i will get it done.

This morning they suspended my account so i couldnt make or recieve phone calls so i made a $100 payment. which is...
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yay for things getting better
Well good luck with the getting of the phone bill paid off, that is a good plan, I hope you can give lots of tattoos soon.

Im glad your bank fixed the fuck up.

I have been paying of a 20,000 credit card debt for the last 4 years, it will be paid off in October, go me.

I hope you can get the babies shots soon.

I hope you can get the car fixed and I hope you dont have to pay that 500.

I had to go look up quinceanera, I didnt know what it was :embarrassed: damn that is going to be one busy day.

Im really glad you are feeling so much better.

That would be really great, I hope you get to go see your dad.

We all need to slow down and enjoy life, I think most Americans have trouble with that.

Well maybe at some point you can do tattoos full time and that would give you more time.
Yup,... just when things begin to look up, something drags me back down.

I got my brother a prepaid phone yesturday because he earned it and because he needed it. Well, he accidentally locked the damn thing and there is no way to unlock it unless we order a new SIM card.

So i called customer service and come to find out that my current...
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wow that is supper crazy, it isnt your fault, you didnt make the calls, cant your mom come up with the money since she was the one making the calls? What did she say when you told her how much the bill is? That really sucks, Im so sorry.
Whoa man