Wow. I didn't realize how long it has been since I wrote a blog! O.O;;
I'll start where I left off and try not to forget anything. :P
I ended the summer by going home so my little man could start school. It was much more relaxed than usual (which was weird considering it was the first time anyone saw me with my new hair...
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Well, summertime is almost over. I've spent most of it couch surfing, reading poetry, and hanging out with my little man. This year has really flown by. But it's not over yet.
I unlinked my Instagram account from my profile, because I felt like it was a lot of recycled material over and over again and I like to be able to share something fresh...
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I am a total slacker at keeping up with my blog and for that I apologize. My life is a maelstrom of pleasant chaos, but it doesn't leave me much time to sit down and type. :P
Anywho....I have a new set coming out! I know, it's been forever. Last November, I shot with @cdo and we made something incredible! I can't wait for you...
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I swear that I haven't forgotten any of you lovely people! Life has just been so chaotic. Between moving, going to Disneyland (again), spending time with all these lovely Vegas ladies, and getting ready for my son to get here, my laptop has gathered quite a bit of dust. So instead of telling you all about it, I'm going to bombard you with pictures! :D...
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For some reason, the website does not like IE on my laptop, so I have been forced to go without writing to you guys for quite some time! Please forgive my absence.
So much has been going on! Vegas is a whirlwind of activity in the middle of nowhere. There are constant comings and goings. I'm in love with the isolation and at the same...
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