I want to thank everyone who made it to our party Saturday night. we had a kick ass time I hope you all did too.
I will have pictures up as soon as i get chance to go threw them. around 4:30am when the last group of people left I had to rush to the hospital. my dad had been battling bone cancer and lung infections for nearly a year. his body couldn't take it any longer and he finally passed yesterday around 4:05pm. I was there for his final moments and stayed till they came to take his body around 8pm. it was hard to see him go but his last moments seemed very peaceful. I was comforted by the thought of him not having to suffer any longer, and the fact that he will continue to live through us.
R.I.P. Manuel Orozco Marquez 1931-2010

I will have pictures up as soon as i get chance to go threw them. around 4:30am when the last group of people left I had to rush to the hospital. my dad had been battling bone cancer and lung infections for nearly a year. his body couldn't take it any longer and he finally passed yesterday around 4:05pm. I was there for his final moments and stayed till they came to take his body around 8pm. it was hard to see him go but his last moments seemed very peaceful. I was comforted by the thought of him not having to suffer any longer, and the fact that he will continue to live through us.
R.I.P. Manuel Orozco Marquez 1931-2010

Hi baby.. I am so sorry..I am also glad not to see him suffer but it still hurts to see him go.. I have known him over half my life.... I love you
Wow. Not an easy thing. Cool that you were with him at the end, though. That means more than you know.