Hello. I'm blogging on myspace these days. Bigger audience and I need a real writing outlet and I'm not that much of a perv for here. I'll still post here from time to time and meet the peeps. ROCK! Hear ye.
thanks darling!
My bigass California trip is winding to a close. I've been up to Humboldt, down to San Diego, and now OC, LA, and Studio City. Had a grand old time playing bluegrass with my brother, helping out with thanksgiving feasts, and driving around with the iPod on shuffle. Look out big apple, i'm coming back. smile
what it is? didn't see you around but the once last night. have a decent time?
no, but I'm sure I could master it in no time.
this is embarrassing but i've watched the whole lifespan of the tv series FIREFLY in three nights thanks to netflix. i know joss whedon did buffy the vampire slayer which went for what six seasons? i never got into it. but i did watch a few episodes and i can see the similarities and catch a lot of the same wit. but firefly is grownup....
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sweetest set comment ever!
well that was the best compliment i've gotten in some time kiss
i don't know for sure. she doesn't snoop for goodies at night, i don't use pesticides in the house, and all medicine is locked in a closet. the vet at the emergency clinic said it was most likely a bug. in my bed! ew! *immediately wash sheets in hot hot water*
Enough with the cats. Though I will take some better pix. Everything comin up roses this week. Spanish, Herbs, formal party (i look good in a suit), good chocolate cake, good pot of soup, good conversatin. rock on sg!
so true. I am a pro at mistake making. I just get humble about it.
how old are your "super old" cats? i want to see pictures! i have a cat that i've had since i was a baby. he'll be turning 20 human years this year. (that's almost 100 cat years!) he was born in california & has moved across the country with my mom & me from san diego, CA to rome, GA to houston, TX where he lives with me and my other bazillion pets.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

this is my banjo.

I have to say that I don't blog much because nobody ever comments on my blogs or comments on anything i say hardly ever. The comments that I get are from SGs who appreciate my comments on their blogs but don't say anything about anything i said. either i'm a terrible writer or i must comment more on other blogs. ok fair nuf.

i've seen...
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So New York Press published this kind of strange write-up on the bar where I manage the DJs.

It's a rather accurate picture of what the atmosphere's like when it's dead and nobody's there but it leaves out the amazing electricity that happens when it's packed with people having a great time.
Thanks for the bar listings, a shindig would be great as I'm not too familiar with the city nor do I know too many people there.
its my birthday!...i'll be camping at high point in new jersey and studying my life. big whoop.
yeah, I havn't lisened to them a lot, but I really like what I've heard!
bleh. gonna go get another job!
i speak enough spanish to get by i guess lol..

and i must compliment you on your list of authors...dostoyevsky and vonnegut...i love it