An excerpt taken from "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. One of my favorite passages in the book:

The world will tell you that success is achieving what you set out to do. It will tell you that success is winning, that finding recognition and/or prosperity are essential ingredients in any success. All of some of the above are usually by-products of success, but they...
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Today I came across this website that has a list of the 100 best NES games ever, and Dragon Warrior 3 was number 29. I basically devoted my entire youth to playing every Dragon Warrior game there ever was. Most kids aged 10 - 13 found these games incredibly slow and boring, but I, being the super geek that I was absolutely loved them. Check...
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Psychology! and it was a sweet subject... but now I dont know of anything I want to do with it.
i've been selling off all my childhood toys on ebay. so far most of the transformers are sold. i've made almost $1500. i can't believe i made that much. but it wasn't easy. i had to clean each toy off with a toothbrush and dish detergent because they were so dusty and dirty. and i took like 20 pictures of each and photobucketed them and...
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It would be sweet if she could do some kitty sit ups, yes?
So they just moved the NBC nightly news to 7. The commercial said, now it's actually on when you're home to watch it. I think it's a good idea, putting it on when people can watch it.

I used it hate it when it was on earlier and I wasn't home. I hate to miss the news. I mean if I'm not up to date...
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My blog is so stupid. I never have anything interesting to say. Why even bother? Nobody reads it anyway. Why am I even writing this? I know I'm wasting my time, yet I continue to do it. I wish I had something funny to say. How do I end this paragraph? This is so frustrating. That's it, I'm just going to stop typing.
In Rainbows. Very good. Yummmy. Tasty. I like. love
the only thing i can say about today is that i (barely) survived another day of work. i also found out that for my cobra benefits i will have to pay the entire premium most likely, although i don't know how much that is. but since it is a group premium, it will be less than individual health coverage premium.

i feeeeel like shit and...
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oohh yes, thom yorke's album is amazing!!! i love thom yorke.

"las papas fritas por favor" hhahahaha so funny


And how can anyone NOT be into sharks? They evolved to be bad ass hunters. and I think I have a soft spot for them because so many people so them as 'man eaters' and dumb misunderstood stuff like that.
but then again, I wouldn't want to hang out with a great white or a mako or anything. Although, it would be awesome to swim with a whale shark. I once was able to pet a horn shark. He was an alright guy.
That was a lot of ramble right there.
just finished watching hour 3 of the new season of 24. it's great, but the only thing taking away from my enjoyment of it is knowing that i have to go to sleep in a few short hours, which will be followed by getting up for work tomorrow morning. how unpleasant. i almost want to hold onto this tape and wait until i quit my...
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