science fiction & futurism

"Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century." --J.G. Ballard Come surf the future fantastic with us.


Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.

doctor who

This group is bigger on the inside than it looks from the of the original or the revival, this is the place for you. Looking to trade internationally? Here's the worldwide Who connection. Join now, or we will EX-TER-MIN-ATE!

whiskey appreciation club

Grab your highballs and pull up a chair. This is the group devoted to all things whiskey, be it Scotch, Bourbon, Irish, Canadian or some other variety. "O Whiskey, You're my darlin' drunk or sober!."

wrestling fans

Join us on the boards and in chat where we talk about anything and everything. Please note that this is a DRAMA FREE group. Drama kings, drama queens and other troublemakers will be suplexed....then banned.

lit club

For those who love to read, and talk about it. Any author, any genre... discuss it!


A group for all those people that watch the History channel 24/7. A place to discuss specific times in history, wars, anything about history in general.