Actually, I think it's been a little longer than that... It's been forever since I last posted! Howdy! Hello!
I figured it would be cool to pop in and say hi, let y'all know what I've been up to, and share a few photos. I've still been shooting here and there, and I have a Patreon now. I've been really into costuming recently, and I want to start cosplaying again.
I've also been organizing my pin collection, watching all of the Marvelverse in chronological order, and redoing my resume. I'm looking for a new career-oriented job, and that's been pretty stressful, but I know I'll find the right position soon.
The last three years were definitely pretty weird for me, and I just recently came out of a depressive fog. The last half a year has been really amazing, and I'm really excited to continue down that path. Maybe I can shoot another set for SG finally, even! Anywho, I'm going to go make dinner now, because food, but I've been thinking about y'all lately and wanted to say hi! I'll really work on not being such a stranger. ;)
xo Okami
Photos by @corwinprescott, Henry Vance, Dim Slum