Thinking of writing a book about bad first dates. See my new comment? It's inspired by a bad first date I had some years ago: I met a girl at a restaurant for drinks and conversation, and I was feeling it, man! Over the moon and all that, yeah? And she says we shouldn't do this again because she's sort of a lesbian, but not...
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that is a good choice for a book... everybody have at least one bad first date!!!! lovekiss
This is where I am right now:

Fingers crossed!
My unemployment benefits just ran out. I have a physical tomorrow, I have to try and reschedule two dates (I got stood up TWICE - not by the same girl. More in-depth post about that later.), and, hopefully, I'll start getting work gigs next month. If not, I'm probably moving back in with my mother in late September. Ugh. Going for karaoke now: karaoke is...
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Fuck YES.
I found a new place!
It's a really sweet enormous basement room, and it's running my only $600 a month. I'm pretty sure everything's included: gas, electric, wi-fi, the works. I don't usually post my own room or anything on here, but I think after I move in I'm going to share, because sharing is caring and I care about my fanbase. I'm...
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thanks for your love .. so any blushes
I think I'm blushproof. Isn't it my goal to make you blush? I won't deny being a shameless flirt as well as a flatterer, but I refuse to lie to people to that end. I speak (and write) only the truth.
So, here's the skinny:
I had a girl over my apartment last week (6/26 - 6/27), and my roommate saw her, and he went fucking ballistic. So now he wants me out. Now, when I moved in, we talked about this, and I thought he was cool with it, but either he or his passive-aggressive wife (though it's probably both of them) seem to have...
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hope you are able to find a place! sending good thoughts and light your way!
thanks for the love on my Marvel set smile
Any time. I really liked it. love
The end.
The end of the school year. The end of my 20s. The end of my unemployment.
This is a very inauspicious time for yours truly. I managed to survive school and I should be able to pass all my courses, but unless I can either extend my unemployment or find a new source of income (just responded to three craigslist ads, plus an...
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So now I'm back from outer space!

Actually, the irony is that, technically, I'm back to outer space, if you consider this network of ether to be what it is. I finally have internet again, after over a week without it! I know it was important to have it, but its absence was clearly felt. I rely on the internet: all of my friends use...
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Babe Thanks for the support in my new set . Mua
thak you for the love on my set!
But what exactly is there not to get about my name??
The magic is gone

OK, I got banned from tagging some time ago (that ban has since lapsed), and I find I can no longer use my old tag "your ass is magic" to tag sets. Fine. I guess someone felt insulted, or I did something inappropriate, and I was penalized. Mind you, I have no idea what I did, and even after I sent...
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hey there
Hey right back at ya! What's up?
So, back in school. Loving my advanced creative writing class! Not so much classics. The last thing I want to do is fall behind. I am a bit behind, but it's not insurmountable yet, so I have an opportunity to catch up. However, school is making it difficult to find a job, and with my roommate moving out of a place I can barely afford...
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I adore creative writing and wish I took more time to do it. Sometimes I think I'm scared of putting things on paper or in a blog cause it really shows me lol. You remind me that it's healthy to get it out. Do you have a bulletin board at school you can post an add for a roommate or a fellow student you could ask? I know when I was in college last year they had one there and it seemed very popular and gave good results. Chin up Soldier, things will work out. smile
First off, I want to thank you for reading this. I mostly do this for myself, but I like to have people read and comment when they can; it makes me feel like people can empathize, and there's too little empathy in the world. As to the housing situation, that's a little more complicated because I'm unemployed and probably can't afford the place I'm at now even with a roommate.
I will now reiterate my humble request for a Suicide Girl or Hopeful to make a set based on or inspired by PSY's Gangnam Style:

Hey sexy ladies!

I'm not saying it isn't cheesy. I just think it would be cute. tongue
Thanks for your love on my set ! kiss
You're one of my favorite people, and not just because you're cute. I go over your blogs sometimes, and you're really clever and opinionated, and you're into social justice and equality as well. How can I not express my love for someone as cool as that? wink
SO, my current situation involves a few things:
- I took out a very large loan in order to pay for school and pay my roommate some owed money.
- I still don't know where exactly I'm going to live, but I have options.
- I have entered into an agreement to "babysit" my grandfather next week.

I want to go into this in a...
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