life is not to short, its way too long.
it can be, untill youve realized youve wasted all your life writing on web-logs, mwahahahahaha
jesus was a nutcase, there is no god

noah is shit, mosses is a gun nut,

i refuse to be a slave to this so called god, lord.

if there is a god hes a bully and a dick

support our troops , yeah right

just like this country supported the troops during the my lai trials

502 men, women and childern were raped, tortured and murdered. and no one served time, no one.

we supported our troops like good americans.

im so proud to be an american.
i went to the chicago anti-war protest on sat. and everyone was so awesome. I met some really great people from the socailist action, workers revoultionary party, and lots of others. The pro-war side had some real nice signs "kill iraqis", "fuck the middle east", "thank god for george bush". The best part was the pro-war rally was sponsered by clearchannel, real nice.

Michael moore...
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as thousands die for black gold.

fuck bush
fuck this war

ill speak my mind on the streets of chicago.