How do I tell someone she's the most beautiful person I've met? love
I'm back. DId you miss me?

No, I guess not. whatever
not single love
hey whats up, glad to see a growing follwoing in b-town smile
That`s fun stuff!
single frown robot
Aww frown *hugs*
Why has it been so long sense I updated? I loved being reminded of time with my girlfriend. Well, that and I'm too boaring to have anything else to talk about.

So I wake up today to one of my best friend's bitching at me because her boyfriend is mad that I patted her on her back last night. Saying that he "wanted to pound...
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Some people are just silly. Seriously.
I've come to realise that if a couple's in a relationship where one gets *so* nervous at the thought of anyone hitting on the other, it's normally a sign that their relationship isn't all that good. If they were happy, they'd know that their significant other could be presented with someone perfect who was naked head to toe and they still wouldn't do anything. *nod*
Many hours with my sweetheart on her birthday. Things got a little 'playful' in the park. biggrin Massive headache now, but I'll live. Living half a state away from the woman I love hurts more than I'm willing to admit. She and I are so alike it's scary!
my set was with another SG, so I look really silly next to her unbelieveable hottness.
Oh, and I got my Animal Farm essay back. A+, my only one this past term. I went on and on about how strange it is that reading the book I could only think of how stupid the animals were, then I remembered that we're just as stupid, if not stupider, putting our faith in the government even when it's obvious that they're not always looking out for our well-being.
*sigh* did go camping, but there was too much rain to do much else. Half of two different tents were brought, so it ended up being tied to three trees and almost looked like a tent. There wasn't enough space in it as it was, so I ended up sleeping in the car. (girl I've lusted over and boyfriend slept in the 'tent' mad ) Today...
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Yay! I get to go camping with friends next Thursday and then canoeing on Friday! I finally have something to do! My life has no meaning if all I do is sit at home and do nothing. I should go find a job, but this being a college town and school not really being in session right now, nobody's hiring...
If you're really that bored I can always send you some of my homework to do smile
Something to look forward to is great. I just booked tickets to Europe today, and it's making the next few weeks of finals seem a little more bearable.
YAY!!! KITH IS ON!!! Haven't seen it in so long! biggrin
Eeeeeep! With my trying my damndest not to read all my comments and get sucked back into the SGAddiction I've only just read your journal entry from the 26th.
I've got to have finished Brave New World by Thursday, when I'll have a mini paper on it. I'm planning on reading like crazy today, then doing DH Lawrence at work tomorrow.
Feeling much better now. Somehow made it to bed (grabbing a paper bag on my way... puke ) and slept most of the day away. Woke up and got some food in me. That helped a lot! Must've been something I ate last night.

Ever had someone that no matter what you do you can't get out of your head? I fell for her about a...
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In other news, I think I'm dieing. Just turning my head makes me queazy. I'm almost never sick, but when I am it's usually bad. Not bad enough to go to the hospital, but bad none the less. puke I was OK when I got up, but for the past fifteen minutes or so... I doubt I could even make it back to bed without throwing...
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Ick ick ick. I'm the same, I used to get tonsillitus every few months and my temperature would shoot up to 104ish so I'd be stuck in bed for a few days feeling sorry for myself.
Fortunately, I got those babies whipped out last November.