I have no work ethic and am as easily distracted as a kitten. Feel free to mock me.
Things I did not just do: Double post.

Thanks! I got the application in on Sunday and promptly crashed.
Ah, exercise.

After a bit of a hiatus in which work and travel were taking me away from my lunchtime group and the season was making me indolent and hibernation-prone, I'm starting to be semi-active again.

Exercise is like writing. I cringe at the thought of having to do it, put it off, build it up into this hideous big ordeal in my head when...
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Exercise is like writing. I cringe at the thought of having to do it, put it off, build it up into this hideous big ordeal in my head when I'm trying to actually get myself to do it, and then, if I haven't managed to talk myself out of it, I feel fantastic afterward and keep having to remind myself: "Remember this? The big goofy smile, the spring in your step? This is why you do this shit."

Hi. I believe you might be me.

I landed right back home; seems I never left it in the first place.

I do that ALL the time. I'm terrible for it, you know?
Random life shrapnel.

Sitting on my main table is a sorry little scrap of red car panel, my last keepsake from my old car. It got collided with on Monday night while it was parked on a sidestreet. Nobody was hurt: I was halfway across the town centre drinking coffee and typing, and the girl who hit it was fine. The car, though, isn't coming...
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It's a personal project, a.k.a. hobby.

For several years, I played around with a program called Poser which lets you pose and animate prefabricated human figures and make semi-nice renderings of them. I actually started using it as a vehicle to understand the principles of photographic lighting without having to invest in heavy actual lighting equipment and find willing human models, but it turned into an addiction of sorts.

Later I became increasingly frustrated by the limitations of said program and the shabby quality of their models. So I decided to give it a try myself. She's standing there so vitruvian because she's meant to be made poseable later. It's just her ground state, so to speak.

Is that about enough background? smile
I love me a bit of "There but for the grace of God."
So my favourite addictive productivity-swallowing time-waster, Desktop Tower Defence, has just been upgraded. There's more towers and more things trying to get past the towers and a few new little quirks to the gameplay. I've got it going in the other tab as I type this, on one of the easiest modes because I'm feeling lazy, and I can hear the little creeps yelling...
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Thanks. I like her more when shes a hundred million miles away.

Doesn't happen often.
I was tempted because those ug boots looked really warm, but I couldn't make myself buy something so ugly.
So have any of the other Australians here ever tried a Wattlechino? It's a non-coffee, non-caffeinated cappuchino made from wattle instead of coffee beans.

Well, I was hunkered down in a caff near work today waiting for the rain to stop so I could get to my car, and I'd already had a black coffee and I'm trying not to overcaffeinate myself in the evenings,...
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Sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you here frown

On the other hand, good on you for making a positive plan and getting to work on things. I've known too many people who don't actually move to that stage.

Canberra's a nice town. It's just not the nice town for me. Too many of my mothers[1] live/have lived here.

My condolences on your grandmother, and I hope your last meeting with her is as good and peaceful as it can be.

I'm trying to figure out how I can possibly prepare myself for this. I just don't know what I'm going to do; she's my hero.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
1: Specifically, one. This is too many.

I discovered Ani pretty late, like in in 2001. I mean I knew there was this women called Ani Difranco who was reported to play guitar well, but I never really sat down and listened to any of her stuff before then. However, I do prefer her earlyish work, and I was glad that when I saw her in 2004 it was just her and guitar.

I really love it when a gig can be a cathartic experience like that. Although I hate the sorts of feelings you describe at the beginning of the night, about 100 times more so when in crowded public places.
Two thousand, six hundred and forty-three.

2643 words down on the current story, I'm past the midpoint and I know how to get the characters exactly where I want them for the finale I've been planning pretty much from the start. I feel more fulfilled than in ages. I was grinning like an idiot and practically capering as I walked from the library to my...
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Two seperate sets of children, yes.
You gots to make with the shrinkwrappery. Also: shrinkwrapping coffee is hard.
I'm wondering if I'm some kind of karma vampire. This last week I've been sauntering happily through life, enjoying the early autumn and savouring several bits of good news, but around me I've seen screaming fights and brawls, family problems hit friends and colleagues, accidents and crimes befall acquaintances, and more than a little general weirdness. Like the guy at the cafe table near me...
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There are times when plots unfurl like a new flag in a brisk wind, opening out sweetly and effortlessly. The only problem is running along fast enough to keep up and write everything down.

There are times when plots come together like a difficult equation. It takes concentration, nutting out each thread and strand, giving teeth-grindingly patient thought to how each part will affect each...
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I didn't, no. Where is it? What actually is a writer's center?
Thank you very much.
A look back over January yields a bunch of breakthroughs and good news, I am pleased to say.

The saga of the DIY shelving unit turned out happily: a couple of days of leaving it to one side (and stepping over its bits on my way to and from the couch, but what the hell) and coming back to it with a clear head did...
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I just wish to point out that I'm always very nice to my waitresses. If I piss them off I risk a cup of long black dumped through my keyboard.

I've had a waitress (admittedly it was me, and this is a rather contrived segue) pour milk into my ibook. Turns out, like many people from Taiwan, she was lactose intolerant. That was a very exciting morning.

I really don't understand how people can be rude to their waitress. There's a whole genre of urban legends sprung up around us, mostly involving obscene bodily fluids. Surely it's at least pragmatic to bite your tongue.

And yet.

It's too bad about the story, although I know what you mean about getting derailed by things. (Foor through the iBook, shit, that's harsh.) For whatever my encouragement is worth, I think it would be a cool thing to pick up and finish. I'm not too up on kids' publishers (it was intended as a childrens' book, am I remembering right?) but if you finish it to story length I can think of a couple of markets that might be worth a tilt.

I never intended to set it aside, but when your own work starts to make you unhappy it's hard to so much as look at it. In time, when I have some space from the overbearing friend, I'm intending to pick it up again. Recently, he's been trying to get me to release it as a webcomic, since he's 'bored' and 'has so many good ideas for it'. Needless to say, the suggestion was received poorly, with glaring and scowling.

I'm not sure it was exactly intended as a childrens book, though I think it could certainly fit the bill. Your encouragement leaves me wanting to pick it up again tonight, so who knows what'll happen?

(And we seem to have similar taste in titles: I'm in the planning stages of a story called "The Fall of the House of the Clockwork Bandits". Snap!)

Oh neat! I'm all manner of interested in this.

I like to fill my titles with adjectives until they're bursting.


Actually, I think the most pissed off I've ever had waitresses was on the two occasions where one from a cafe where I'd become a regular spotted me coffeeing somewhere else. Much extravagant body language and outraged expressions ensued, but at least I didn't get the Lap Pour when I went back to them.

My boss does this. I find it very entertaining, but of course it's not my livelihood.

And I'm happy to have you on my list. Maybe you can give me the good kicking I so surely need.

This is not auspicious.

I got a shelf-unit sort of thing for Christmas. I don't think it's Ikea, but it's the same sort of principle - a bunch of boards with holes in, things to put in the holes to fasten them together, and a diagram showing where everything goes. The computer desk I'm at now went up the same way.

But the exciting challenge...
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I think those diy units are always difficult. I recently got a bunch of furniture from ikea and I would have found it a lot easier if there has been some words or even arrows on the diagrams instead of various pictures of stages in the diy process.