Today is a sad day. Today the fattie goes to a new home. I hate this. Wish i made enough money to be able to pay for him in a new apaertment, but alas I don't. What's worse he knows something is up and won't come near me. I don't blame him. But he is going to a family that loves cats. Their last one...
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I know this was a while ago, but sorry about your kitty sugar!!!
Hey there, you should check out this thread.
wow been like a month. Got started on the new job. working in fraud is fun!!!! getting stupid people arrested, get to watch the vidoe of it too!!!!

liking the guy i'm dating still, that's weird. But I am weird. Get to drag him to sisters party, haha there we will both be out of place and uncomfy!!!! but it should be fun. now I'm...
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well, i get to start my new position on the first and i just bought a new jeep. all sorts of excited. who knows maybe i'll win the lotto!!!

sooo sleepy, must go to bed ARRR!!!
new position eh?
Find it in the kama Sutra?
what do you do when you go drinking with people from work??? call in the next day and hope that none of them talk about the previous nite!!!!

Played hookie yesterday, did absolutley nothing for a full 24 hours, I did get breakfast in bed and then a back rub and if the tub was clean, a bubblebath in a tub so big you can...
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hey streets of london monday night
Never ever call a guy that you like just to say hi if you have people who care about you and make lots of fun @ you, around you. that was a bad idea.

have to work late today frown that sucks, all by myself in a corner......what is an ikkin to do???

i dont know what an ikkin is so i dunno
offical at 9:10pm, the ikkin is single!!!!!!! The best breakup ever and he broke up w/ me...at least beat me to it..... biggrin biggrin biggrin
How are you going to celebrate?
miao!! miao!! miao!!
Lots of shopping followed by cocktails?
miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
Why not soothe your not-broken-heart over sushi and sake? Perhaps host a 'coming-out' party tongue Congrats nikki smile
I think I can do that!!! ARRR!!!
sisters are great....meeting new peoples. well kinda, just gots to get my butt off the couch and meet them. I'm getting better, I have plans to go to a co-workers house and sit on his couch trading music.....does that count????

Just got home, kinda on the tired side. Was up at 4 am to tell people that they are past due on their credit cards....
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I would've called but fella and I were exploring barnes And noble for Dune books. OK Nikki girl......it is time for you to get your lazy bum off the couch!
I now have an interview for a new position at work!!!!! Good Luck for me.
got to go out on a real date type, wasn't to sure, but i do think that i like this guy alot. the problem, dating other people, not to sure on how to do that. Need to get out and meet new people....maybe i can con my sissy....I like this dating thing.....lots!!!! blush
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnikkkkkkkkkkkkkki miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
Your it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bluenile, at an event? That'll be the day. wink tongue

We'll let you know the next time we all go out, nikki...pinkee swear.
not to much to report. didn't see the guy i liked today, work was sslloooooow, so i left early. got home and now working on a bottle of wine. kinda want to go somewhere, but there isn't to much to do in the wonderful town of littlefun, could go to denver, but i have this crazy fear of going into places by myself. always have...
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and what might this secret be? is it a double-secret-secret secret? come on.....don't keep me in suspence? is it a fella? a dame? a new car???
WHAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All i can tell you is to follow your heart. It might not be love, he might not be 'the one' (if such a thing exists), but it could be fun. Are you and the 'boy' having problems? or are you bored? Anyways, there is nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex....unless there are other intentions. Gottsa get back to work......remember to live your life how you want...not how you think someone would want.
love ya
new years eve was uneventful, got to sit in a basement and listen to acid bath....and then got into a fight w/ someone and then it was midnight, when home and to bed. I think my goals for this year is to get over fears of new places and get out a little more. who knows though, i might still be in the same basement...
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new years comes along, changes are soon arise...just need to think of something other than quiting smoking and losing weight for the goals.....