wow.. its been a long time since ive been on here but i finally got my shit together with the new apartment so ill be back more often now going t oa party 2nite 4 my brothers 22 b-day should be fun ill post some pics later...hope everyone is doing good chat later wink
ive been really busy with school plus i dont have a computor right now so its hard to log on finally found a new place to live in costa mesa movin in on the second of rocktober biggrin hope everyone is doing well chat later wink

p.s.i got 2 extra tix for social d and tigerarmy any takers?
don't tease me! frown
iam getting a upgrade right now so i cant check often frown
finally got some pics up not many or the greatest but some up none the less eeek
hi! another person with a tiger army screen name! kiss
not much going on just been looking for an apartment.. i hate it..

seeing social d & afi next week biggrin

yeah yeah i know post some pics already whatever

hope everyone is doing ok
I demand you post pics....NOW! I can't go to social D cause I didn't get tix in time frown Now I'm gonna sit around and pout.
good luck with the apartment hunt!
it's a good thing there's always some music to cheer you up when you need it smile

i'll post some more pics soon... eeek
Hey, I'm trying to recruit fellow members if you able, let me know!!

Ok everyone, we have a visitor who traveled many miles & he wants to meet as many of us as possible.
His name is Corvette & him & his band are playing shows all over LA plus having a vacation. They are taking the train down for 1 nite only! Let's make an effort to show them a good time.

The Date--------- Tuesday August 10th
The Place-------- Henry's Pub downtown www.henryspub.com
The Band-------- The Stilettos www.thestilettos.com
The Occasion-- Not only do we have a guest, but it's the upright bass player's birthday & my best freind's b-day as well.

Excuses that won't work....
1. I have to work the next morning----So do I & 90% of all of us. I even have some of my co-workers joining us.
2. I hate downtown----I can't remember the last time I was downtown & everyone I know that decided it would be too much fun to pass up is anti-downtown. Plus there is no cover!

You know, I'm not the bossy type. If you can make it down for even a drink or two or a dance, that would be great!
Thank you!!!!!
Things here are great. I was at work today on my lunch sitting in the office when I look up to see an old friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year we lost contact when he went away to school so I was so excited to see him..... Haven't had the great of a day in a long time.

kiss Dita
send in the clowns...don't bother they're here frown

weekend is here i need a drink...how about you? hitting the bars tonight i've had a shitty week i need to have some fun this weekend.
breakups suck frown
going to bennihahnna's(my spelling sux) tonight to eat some grub smile i love that place good stuff... still looking for a place to live, anybody need a roommate?only thing dirty about me is my mind ooo aaa oh well it will happen sooner or later i guess i just hope it's more sooner that later...i might be going to the l.a. sgb show again but still not sure...
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