Insane Purchase of the Day:

BFG Geforce 6800 GT Overclock Video Card

Thing cost me 427 after taxes. The things one does in prepping for the future games on PC.
Paid for my insurance and tags today so all I need to do is pick up and pay for the exhaust work on my 71 VW Beetle to be on the road. Finally nice to have a car of my own again and not be worried about borrowing someone elses.

Will post pics of it when I pick it up.
I refuse to explain myself but like if you really want me too..okay like it all happened when er what that was a trick wasn't it??? tongue
1971 VW Beetle is mine....all mine.

Paid off the rest of the cash for my new 1971 VW Beetle today. Now I just need to transfer all the crap and get the insurance all done.

I read on some site that some guy could not change out the radio which if it is not possible due to car design (fumes and such with possible sparks)...
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doood.... this guy yesterday was trying to convince me to buy a beetle. he wasn't hearing any "no" either- the guy is convinced everyone should own a beetle. he'd probably like you.

even though you're creepy. wink

p.s. that dark daphne is HOT. well, i always had a thing for regular old not-dark daphne. she makes me nervous still. even though she's not a real person. so hot... i wanna see a daphne photoset that is truly daphne. maybe i should be SG just to do that... i could try...
Beyond being sick the last few days there is one thing that really gets my goat.

Intolerant people. Vegetarians seem to be really bad with this one. Why all the hate for those of us that like the meat? Hell if I had to just eat stuff that was non-meat I would wither away and die in weeks as opposed the possible death I may...
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Saw your comment in Aponia's journal so I thought I would comment..
I don't eat meat..but my ex did..I would cook steak for him (but I would freak out if he cooked certain things in certain pots or not cover something up in the fridge so when I opened it I would get sickening smell) I was raised this way from my hippie parents..so yeah I can understand the whole bland thing with some of the foods becaue I would be told that by many friends (my birthday parties didn't have alot of people at em because they didn't want to have to eat the food or maybe they didn't like me oh my) I just find it hard to believe that everything you eat now is meat and you only eat a few things that aren't. Do you eat meat at every meal and every snack?? I just don't understand but then again I could never go all vegan because I like my cheese but i eat vegan food (like my twizzlers are vegan tongue)
But it isn't that we hate you...we feel bad for the animals that have to die to feed you....but I would never get in a fight with someone about unless they said eww what are you eating is that some sort of hippie shit? Oh well hope you feel better soon.
Sometimes I think dicks are just drawn to nice people so they can take advantage of them....since nice people seem to like to help people they are usually drawn to well people in need...
Yeah I am going to have to run my unti I guess with my windows open and etc...to bad I have 2 units so I am going to have to do it twice.
you sound more picky then my brother but I have been told I am picky...is it picky not to like chunky salsa or cooked tomatos eh? I don't think so.
Fall is so nice up in the mountains. Went to the Bloomsburg Fair which turned out to just be a walk around and look at people thing. Bought some micro machine star wars figures for 99 cents a box which made it worth something at least.

Ran into a friend I grew up with and went to hang out for a few beers with him...
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Headed to the Pocono Mts and the town I grew up in, Hazleton, for the weekend. Fun will be had at the Bloomsburg Fair, hopefully. I suppose I can always go with my fallback plan and go drinking if all else sucks.
Tiesto is a sneaky guy or I am just lazy and have not checked his webpage to see that he is playing tonight in Philly.
my husband just bought that new star wars game. that's all i know about new video games.
you're close... whatever but no.
How much was that last thing? I'm guesssing at least $100.... That's all I keep heaerign about is how much a putz that George Lucas is to keep everyone waiting so long. I know people, People older than us who have this on thier wish list Christmas. Did you seet hat VH1 special "when Star Wars Ruled the world?" It was pretty cool. I've been sicker than hell so I've seen it like twice, Once when I fell asleep adn once when i woke up at like 4 am. surreal
Ah, yes, that was Waking Life! smile
Thanks for the score on my new tatt. Go take a peek at the newest picture I uploaded. It's a more professional shot of me. ')
Thanks for the my random journal entry, too!

I know. I haven't been hermit like lately, but I assure you that the loser tag still fits really well. I've been trying to fight off my hermit urges, but I feel them coming back with a vengence.

Mainly because when I do venture out I'm still a total loser.

Oh well.

Thanks for the entry.

Cheers! Take care.