Nothing. Got nothing.

Work was shitty, I can't upload pics from my phone and that's all.

When there is nothing nice to say in a day, best not say anything at all.

I should be more positive. I had a really good grilled cheese sandwich today.

I talked to a couple of friends, and they are doing well.

Take care.
Today.......probably not. Saturday...... whatever .....worse, still. biggrin Kinda busy these days, you know? I'm supposed to go swimming tonight, but I might head down to Seattle instead. October and Queenvileel are leaving on Thursday to go back home to England, and I'm hoping to catch up with them tonight or tomorrow before they leave. If you want to meet up with us, you're more than welcome. I'm not sure what we're going to be doing, but it should be fun. You can call me on my cell. My number is in SGSeattle. Oh, and my 'real' name, in case you've forgotten, is Christine. wink
White castle today? Possibly around noon....you can call me if you wanna go. (They have great burgers) biggrin
Kind of a crazy week and weekend. But all good. Majority good. Only not-goodness comes from my total lack of productivity.

1) Thursday night. Hung out with some guys from the soccer team I'm subbing for till very late. A great time, and some great guys. We hung out in this great bar with some huge sofas and lots of board games. People were playing...
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You missed Resident Evil on Friday. frown We rode the "short bus", and it was rad!! biggrin biggrin
Went SGSeattle bowling tonight. Very nice people, very fun.

Even though I didn't bowl all that well. Thanks to those that were there - I really appreciate you making it a comfortable environment for strangers. I'd love to do it again.

But how can you not love a tiki/polynesian themed bowling alley? It's neon! It's so kitchy-wonderful. I love it.

In other news, writing is...
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I'm so glad you had a good time! My 168 would have kicked your monkey lovin ass! (but the planets do have to be perfectly aligned, and the precise amount of beer consumed for me to achieve this score).

Have a good time at the movies tonight!
Ummm you didn't bowl that well? You beat us on all three games. Go ahead and apply to the SGSeattle group. Then that way you can get in.
Fuckin' eh, bubba.

I've just spent the last-who-knows-how long reading peoples responses to the terrorist attacks in Russia. Lots of good points were made, and many good things were brought up. But it makes my mind tired, especially after lots of Belgian ale.

Fucking ugly is about all I can come up with. Shooting kids is out and out wrong. I really don't want to...
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Not much new. Doubled-up in poker tonight, so the evening wasn't a complete loss. Very fun and I met some cool, new people.

That's about all.

Cheers and take care.
Today's crush is........

Sweet Ruth. Now that Johnny's gone, she's cleaner, better. Fuck I've missed her. I gotta get over there more often. FUCK!!!! smile

Tomorrow's crush is.......
You smile You with those headphones on listening to tool. giving me some rock fucking poetry baby! I SAID ROCK POETRY GOD DAMN IT!!!

No word on the presidents tomorrow yet. the boy isn't home yet. Shit, I forgot to rub your head for good luck today - rub it for me now so that i get laid - ok?
I'm on the girls with glasses thread! Do I wear glasses?
Ok. My journaling doesn't work so well when I don't do it. But here's a recap of the past couple of days, or at least the major stuff:

Friday - the chips I ate were supposed to be this organic brand pico de gallo flavor. I should have read closer because I think they were really PEYOTE de gallo. I tripped out like Lisa Simpson...
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DUFF GARDENS! More of these wonderful references. You are the only one who does this for me online, baby!

You define the word busy. I had no idea. I'm tired just reading all that. And even more now, I must say thank you.

Oh. I want to take a pic of us with your/our sg book. We don't have to be naked. wink
Friday night, not much new.

Got a decent amount done today and predict the majority of my work nightmares will be done by Sunday night.

Hmmmm. Other stuff. Had coffee with my friend again today. My toenail isn't falling out, but it sure is sore - as is the rest of me. But in a good way, I guess. My hair is almost black/brown after...
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yeah the haircut is must, its getting out of control.

i'm not sure what we're gonna do yet. i'm gonna call her later in the week and we can decide. but not matter what we do, i'm really looking forward to it. smile
thanks for sharing your transportation story - emails from Missy always brighten my day too!
Well, today was pretty much a wash. I didn't get shit done at work, which is bad, because people keep coming to me to talk, which is good and nice. But I really need to get some schiz done...

On a better note, one of them is a cute girl. Nothing can ever happen with said girl, but the attention is always nice.

The evening,...
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thanks man. yeah Tempest's comment really helped. and i certainly dont want to add any additional stress, thats why i'm just thinking of offering up ideas of things to do when she isnt busy, so she can let me know when she wants to hang out or whatever and then i dont have to constantly be asking if she's free. she also told me that much of her free time was gonna be spent attending school funcitons like games and plays and stuff. i'd have no problem attending these events with her, so i hope we can work that out.
Decent day.

I got a lot of work done, and helped a friend plan a trip in London.

I saw ex's friends. Unpleasant as expected.

Played soccer. Drank beer.


Take care.
Do you really think future drs is going to join???
yuo had quite a busy day. glad to see you fit it all in.
Holy flurking schnit.

Has anybody bought the SuicideGirls book?

Help me Jebus.

It totally rocks. I don't know any other way to put it. As if I didn't need to waste more fucking time here, now it's only going to get worse. This book will totally make you re-evaluate all of this. Then you will be sucked into liking it even more. Wow.

Wow. Wow,...
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Am I going to owe you a dollar tomorrow? Did you go with SL? How much did I give you last time? $60? $80? I don't remember.

All those simpsons references in your post are making me hot! I didn't know you knew about Jebus!!! There's so much I don't know about you. You LIKE rainy days? smile

I can't wait to see the book!!!!! W came home and asked if I had been looking at internet porn all day long. HA!

I'm worried about our Future DrS too. We will take care of him. I emailed him today with positive words.

I think I'm feeling better, but you know how sometimes it gets worse at night. dro, you always do so well when you are sick. You just keep going. I am a whimp. I know, you wouldn't have it any other way.