when i was three my mom took me to get my booster shots. she tells me this story whenever i feel hurt or let down:

"i sat you down on the little bench and the doctor came in to give you your shots.
you were scared and shy so you wouldn't look at him.
so he crouched down on his knees and looked up at...
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Smacking a doctor in the face oh yeah! Awsome! I am sorry to see that you are still hurting. frown Big hug for you! smile kiss Relationships are such a pain sometimes.

Define the moment, don't let the moment define you.
kickass story.

i guess i don't really have anything great to say, but buck up kiddo. we all still think you're pretty damn neat-o complete-o!

So what do you do when the guy you gave your heart to gets completely careless with it? And throws it away. And then comes crawling back a few days later trying to dust it off and tape the pieces back together?

Do you let him, because you still love him and risk the same occurance happening again?

Or do you cut your losses...
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There is always a chance that the same thing will happen again. That depends on the person -1- if they know what they are doing wrong and 2- do they care.

Communication is the most important thing. Let him know exactly how you feel. I hate to use used cars as a metaphor, but it tends to work here. Moving on to someone else is like trading in your car for another used car. Sure you get rid of those old annoying problems, but you will get stuck with a whole new set of problems too.

Knowing that you can't change people - that kind of change has to come from themselves. You have to ask "Can you accept me the way I am and can I accept you the way you are"?

I hope things work out for you. smile
i just got my heart broken.
thats ok, i have needle and thread and even some super glue if you need it. sorry to hear sad news though. time heals everything. hang in there.
ice cream. lots and lots of ice cream.

sorry kiddo.
The Boy left me to go have gay sex in a van with his bandmates for two weeks.

Can someone live without their heart for that long?

I've gotten waaaay to use to sleeping with him... that's for damn sure. I haven't been able to sleep for shit since he left. His snorning and muscle spasms are more comforting than i thought. And my legs...
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Gay sex in vans is'nt half as bad as you make it out to be....

Gay sex can be fun, you should try it. As for why I got fired, unofficially, I didn't follow company policy by turning in lost money found on the ground, but as far as they are concerned, I stole it. There's more, but read my post to find out. This message will self destruct in five........four.......three.............two...................................................................will the owner of a white honda please move your vehicle..........one!!!!!
<3 brings me dinner, when i'm studying and don't have time to eat.
<3 breaks into my house in the middle of the day to retrieve my school notes, because i suck at life and forget everything.
<3 always has water next to his bed because he knows i wake up like 643728764 times a night thirsty as all hell.
<3 always reminds me to...
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oooooooorrrrr maaaaybeeeee....he's the luckiest guy in the world. It's great that you appreciate him so much. smile
Dude, you got the kind of guy that makes the rest of us scumbags look even worse. Do me a favor and don't tell my girl that there are actually guys worth dating in the world, she might realize I'm not actually worth the time and end up ditching me for someone like your guy.

You two seem absolutely great together, I wish you guys all the best in everything you do, for all time, and years and years after that.

Toodles and enjoy the waffles!!!

Edited to fix my jacked spelling

[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 10:47AM]
his tattoo is slightly cooler than my pizza with a slice missing on my elbow.

confound it.
Damn, it's been a while since me and another dude smashed on each other's asses with a wooden mallet and took pictures of the damage...ahhhh, memories. I thought I had repressed them but now they're flooding back...
It's March and everyone's crazy.

School is sucking out my very soul. goddammit.

the paper i wrote tonight has no ending and won't print. thankfully it's only a rough draft...that was due two days ago, in the only class in which i feel like i have something to prove..

Midterms don't seem to be ending this semester. One after another after another and then they...
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where do you go to school?
Im sure you warm people's heart with your smile too. biggrin smile biggrin smile biggrin smile biggrin smile
she is so freaking adorable
i want kids
really really badly
but im not quite ready yet
but i cant wait

Lastnight was just.. wow.

i've been sitting here for five minutes trying to explain it in words but nothing is coming out right. how did i ever get lucky enough to be able to hold your hand and your heart and laugh at stupid things and spend every second wanting more of you, more of your face and your hands and your eyes and your...
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i've been looking for someone to make me feel that way
it has been along time
Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

What Seduction Style are you?

hmm.. you think?
I am also the charmer. It think the test is broken. I couldn't charm anything even if I had a whole box of Lucky Charms to help me out.
You have an awesome fouly mouth. Yes indeed!!! Thats good though. I'm gonna take your quiz. Holla biggrin
All in all, she is amazing...i want to do everything and anything for her and hopefully i will have enoough money saved up to go to england and stay with her in the fall.

... That's from Ian's Livejournal acouple weeks ago. And yeah, i got my hopes up.. which i shouldn't have.

It doesn't look like he's going to be able to save up...
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This entry is dedicated to my mom...
... because she's way outta control.

I forgot how fucking fun my mom is to hang out with. Holy shit, my stomach and my cheeks hurt sooo bad from laughing. She's a crazy mexican fo sho. Highlight of the evening is when they gave her a sampling of wine at Olive Garden and then she swore she was...
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that's wonderful. that's what my dad is like for me. except i don't think alcohol affects him much. i'm glad you had fun with your momma-dukes.

about the saltines... i've seen hundreds of people do this (in elementary school and other random places) but one of the guys i work with can do it once every few days. and i think he may have gotten 7 or 8 once. he must produce saliva at an unnatural pace or something.

i bet his weiner is shaped funny though.

[Edited on Feb 24, 2005 3:44AM]