If this isn’t nice-

Light pours in the window, a caress on the page

As my fingers also caress the page,

And I smile as my heart opens like arms for a hug

Reading his poetry,

Which is beautiful.

He is we are what?

Who cares.

I learn his heart by reading like I learn his body with my mouth-

Warmly, slowly, bit by bit....
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My dear [redacted - or, your name here, when you need to hear it] ,

When the critical voices start popping up, please remember to let my voice ring out in your head, as well. Close your eyes maybe or do a little dance, and take a deep deep breath, and hear me - and really listen.

Don't let the unkind voices seem truer to...
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Such inspiration. Thank you.
:) Thank you for saying so. I hope it helps in whatever small way.

It is frightfully easy to get angry at all the shit people out there placing the blame of their own shortcomings on others, to get pissed and furious at those with whom you can't reach a good place no matter how hard you try. But carrying anger around is so heavy.

Yesterday I was fuming at my ex for being shitty, for reminding me of...
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Agreed, but what about revenge? In its many forms-

I was already thinking of you, drifting in that soft dark space of the mind where all things are possible, already breathing the thoughts of you in, somewhere else. I was already with you behind the veil of my eyes, when a soft rain began to fall.

And I thought, “How perfect.”

It was dark already though early, the streetlights glowing orange warmly but hazy...
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Very much so
very nice writing @monablack. she should read it-- even if it gets awkward, there's something healthy in exposing/communicating desires... thanks for sharing