Fight update:

The event was a little slow to get off the ground because they hadn't gotten the ring ready by the time people came in to see the fight. Eh, it's okay.

One of the fighters from my gym came in overweight and couldn't cut the last of it by the time he needed to. Another guy from our gym was also supposed to...
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welcome back, glad to hear you kicked some ass. sounds like that first judge had his head up his ass.
welcome back! congratulations on kicking ass. ^_^
Yes yes, I am back thanks to someone sending me a nice gift smile. Thanks!

At any rate, I've been uber busy and not around at all. Ya wanna know why?

Today is the day of my first Muay Thai fight. I had about 5 weeks to dump almost 10 lbs. Last week I got down to 119 and I'm fighting at 118. I think...
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Best of luck!
Good luck go manic on em.
I think I'm coming down with a cold or the air is really dry and my sinuses are dehydrated. I can't tell. Maybe I'll use the humidifier tonight.

I finished my first 5 week rotation at Bellevue. Yay. Internal Med rotations are supposed to be the suck and I managed pretty well. Imagine if I really applied myself. Plus I got along with my preceptor...
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I am glad you survived your first rotation. Which one is next?
Dry winter weather always causes me sinus problems, too. While living in Michigan I found a humidifier to be an absolute must.

Congrats on finishing your first rotation.
I'm a little disappointed but somewhat relieved that one of my questions was finally answered. The Forest group offered the fellowship to a fucker from the fucking midwest. I'm a little pissed because I would have rather not moved. But now I know where I"ll be in July.


Shit, what the fuck is there to do there? I'm going to miss...
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Reason I need to get back to Philly as often as possible.
1: D'mitri's- Just a short walk from South Street this little Greek restaurant that specializes in seafood is worth the, sometimes up to an hour, wait....just go across the street and hang out at the New Wave...which has a pretty damn good menu of their own.
2: Vietnam Restaurant- I go just for their veggie spring rolls and fried veggie spring rolls. And all their other dishes I've had are pretty good too. Not to be confused with Vietnam Palace across the street...they're not as good.
3: White Dog Cafe- Pretty much everything is organic and just damn GOOD. Also just a great place to stop off for a pint after work. Right in the heart of Univ. city between Drexel and Penn....almost on Penn campus.
4: Victory Hop Devil on tap everywhere....My most favorite brew.
5: McGlinchy's- Little hole in the wall that has one of the most eclectic clientele I've ever seen....crusty punk sitting next to stock broker....and you can't beat the pints of Yuengling Porter for $1.50....I remember when it was a buck.....actually it might have gone up since I was last there....that would be sad.

That's just the start....I loved the seven years I lived in Philly, except for that fact that finding work I liked was hard there.
If we make it back there this summer, we'll drop you a line.
Im sorry you didnt get the one you wanted, but at least you get to start afresh somewhere new! kiss
Wow! What a nice surprise seeing all the happy birthdays. Thanks so much for the b-day wishes! I usually keep it on the downlow and don't tell people but 3-0 is a big one.

I haven't been online in the last week because of my trip to Anaheim for the American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. I woke up super early on...
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oh poo.. i forgot too!
I really need to work on my attention to detail...
Oh well, while you're down here kicking ricksnake in the nuts, you can punch me in the tit or something haha
Hope everything's dandy with you smile smile
you sound like a moldspawn.
Damn I'm tired. I haven't slept well in a few nights. Probably the hormones. Plus the achy back from the female time of the month.....what fun no? I think I might take a nap.

I finally got my reimbursement from school for the health insurance shit they charged me for. I also finally got my scholarship money from last year. That means I can put...
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I went to a local plastic surgeon, no one fancy. I was referred to him by an acquaintance that went to him for her nose job. I wasn't up for looking through the dozens of possibilities, I can't travel out of my city, so I simply went with him (plus the office staff was fabulous).
He had repaired torn lobes before, but my case was the first where "someone stretched their lobes and wanted them to be normal again."
I didn't get to see ANYTHING, so I don't know how much of my lobe was cut off (though I know that a small chunk is missing, or else they wouldn't be so small now).
However, I'm VERY happy with everything. The local anesthetic was enough to prevent any pain DURING the surgery, and there was very very little afterwards. Once in a while, I would feel a pinching sensation-- but didn't take anything stronger than your standard over-the-counter Tylenol for it. There was very little pot-op bleeding, very little swelling, and the stitches come out this Tuesday.
Without insurance, everything (consultation, procedure and anesthetic, and all post-op visits) were included in the $2,000 total. And well worth it, I must say.
I see aunthood suits yousmile
Oh yes, the problems staying asleep continue to plague me. For the past 4 years, I have been having a hard time staying asleep. I guess it's a good thing that I stay on a semi-regular sleep schedule but it sucks when I go to bed late and still get up at 6 a.m. I went to bed around 1-1:30 a.m. last night after hanging...
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St. Pierre! I knew it would happen I just wish I could have seen it! Your weekend sounded great. I wish I was able to work out like that this past weekend too. My wife had her birthday yesterday and the past 2 days we've been celebrating. I ate a shit load of junk food and have been feeling sick.
I think Thanksgiving screwed me up. Yesterday and today I didn't work oout. My legs hurt! My arms hurt! My back hurts! Well everything hurts and I think I really need to exercise or I'm gonna hurt for a while and it'll be even harder to get to sleep.

How was your Thanksgiving? Do anything fun?
Actually no I don't have grand rounds. Damnit I got up at 6:30 am for no reason but I have a surprise 4th day off in a row. I'm so excited - I haven't had 4 days off in a row since.....last year?

Last night there was only a 7 p.m. Muay Thai class so I did my new "regular" workout: 30 minutes elliptical: intervals...
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oh, i'll be back.
The world just needs a bit of a tidy...

p.s. - i didn't have time to fully read...so i don't know what those things are, but if you lift them...i award you the "i'm fucking impressed" award, plus some respect points.
I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't believe I found another pharmacy student on this site.

Q: What school?
Q: What year?
Me personally? I just started my first professional year at MCPHS while currently NOT working as a tech anywhere (I came into the field in a roundabout way, to say the least), and I'm liking it. OUR boards, as I'm sure you know, do not require any compounding, just the standard pharmacy and law although even if they did I think I'd kick some ass, as I rock it hardcore on the pharmaceutics tip yo.
I have four 30-minute informational interviews lined up for the American Society of Heatlh System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting in Anaheim, CA for fellowship positions in the pharmaceutical industry.

Interview 1 with Upsher-Smith: 2-year General Industry Fellowship
with an emphasis in Clinical Research. Clinical research involves a lot of the human testing that is required by the FDA before a drug is approved and even...
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I know what you're talking about with the cliques too! It's hard to get people to talk to you on here if you aren't in their group!
I dig JnJ -bought stock in it a few years ago, what do you think of B.M.S. just down the road? they are pumping alot of $$ in that place, Your food looks fantastic! do you know the lowdown when baking chicken ? bok
but that's what the east bay is famous for: breeding and crime. all those underaged mothers of two, that may be why our murder rate is so high. some kind of cosmic balance in richmond and oakland.
i'm sure i would've heard a lot of the same shit while i was working in the blood bank, but seeing as how everyone they're drawing was donating an hour of their time and a pint of their blood, they kept their mouths shut until the donor left. seriously, i wouldn't buy the excuse that they were too distracted by the tattoo to hit the mark in most cases. if they were any good at what they did, they'd bee FEELING for a vein and not looking for one. meh. /end rant
I didn't sleep enough last night and yesterday was a long day with a quick workout in the morning then my rotation then a bunch of other stuff. I never sleep well or rarely do. Anyway, I was going to go the gym today but decided to skip because I have tomorrow off so I'll catch up on my workout tomorow (I was going to...
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Kick ass with that weight loss girl!!! I started my dieting and exercising this morning again. I't's been about 2 weeks for me and I was starting to feel really out of shape. I wasn't exercising and I was eating everything I wanted. Bad huh? I'm doing my suck ass diet of oatmeal for breakfast, 4 chicken breasts throughout the day (every 2 hours) , and vegies for dinner YUMMY!!!!! puke My workout has stayed the same I guess I haven't lost any stength or endurance but I'll find out tomorrow morning. My 6 pack is gone. I think that's what got me! Now I'll be like you again and work my ass off.
