Finally home from Chicago (again) | Today, 6:20pm
sounds like Thanksgiving weekend allover again. No time and don't need to babble on about it..right now atleast. I just hope I can learn from these long family trips wanting to be somewhere else..klling time. And in Chicago's case, being reminded of how little I have accomplished and how I feel like I have never "made it" or even somewhat "grown up." And not for a few days, but 5..5 EFFING DAYS!
every year..saving $ is the only consolation I suppose. I am excited to go on (hopefully) a Kiss Kiss obsession. Got the EP finally and d/l the new (sorta if you consider 32 mins) Full Length. Putting my cards into this band..kinda blindly, they are THEE band for this next time period. Atleast new band. Let's hope it's like Bend Sinister, Kaddisfly, Mew, and Pure Reason Revolution, etc..something close to those atleast.
I had a moment today at the airport I almost felt overdosed on desire-with-lack-of some kind of physical experience kissing or touching another female. I don't forget it was January 2003 last I really did (making out for 3mins once like a year ago doesn't exactly count, does it?) It's like at Target, Dunn Bros, walking outside last night with my Iriver playing Kaddisfly's song "Snowflake" in Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo (another slight consolation given it only last like 15mins), and always at the Airports going/coming/waiting around esp...for a moment there I wished I was gone so badly..or atleast the hormones forcing me to think that..want that..seeing many girls..younger, older, etc..almost like I'm cursed to being attracted to so many types of women..curse in this sense. Blech..this is going NOWHERE.
sounds like Thanksgiving weekend allover again. No time and don't need to babble on about it..right now atleast. I just hope I can learn from these long family trips wanting to be somewhere else..klling time. And in Chicago's case, being reminded of how little I have accomplished and how I feel like I have never "made it" or even somewhat "grown up." And not for a few days, but 5..5 EFFING DAYS!
every year..saving $ is the only consolation I suppose. I am excited to go on (hopefully) a Kiss Kiss obsession. Got the EP finally and d/l the new (sorta if you consider 32 mins) Full Length. Putting my cards into this band..kinda blindly, they are THEE band for this next time period. Atleast new band. Let's hope it's like Bend Sinister, Kaddisfly, Mew, and Pure Reason Revolution, etc..something close to those atleast.
I had a moment today at the airport I almost felt overdosed on desire-with-lack-of some kind of physical experience kissing or touching another female. I don't forget it was January 2003 last I really did (making out for 3mins once like a year ago doesn't exactly count, does it?) It's like at Target, Dunn Bros, walking outside last night with my Iriver playing Kaddisfly's song "Snowflake" in Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo (another slight consolation given it only last like 15mins), and always at the Airports going/coming/waiting around esp...for a moment there I wished I was gone so badly..or atleast the hormones forcing me to think that..want that..seeing many girls..younger, older, etc..almost like I'm cursed to being attracted to so many types of women..curse in this sense. Blech..this is going NOWHERE.
It is definitly not a curse to be attracted to so many different types of women.
jan 2003 is a long time ago. I hope you dont have to wait any longer. I hope you had a great new years clelbration and have a great 2007.

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