i applied at the golf course today. i hope i get the job there.
big bang theory is wayyy better than how i met your mother now, it's as though its making up for how crummy himym is. bbt is sooo funny though!
i ate pizza today.. and now i feel sick. so early to bed for me.
once again..did not do any essays. im...
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hi baby
What sort of accomplishments are you not doing?
so i fell asleep on the couch not once.. but twice today.
on the plus side
we got the apt! smile yay! i'm so excited. the leasing manager doesn't know how to do her job as she barely said anything to us, whatever though I just want a new place to live in!
only crummy thing is we get possession on april 20th (my bday)...
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i was trying to say i <3 good chinese food at the end of that msg but for some reason it kept cutting off! xx
oo also good luck with looking at new places. i got some pics taken at this photographers appartment on sunday. he owns and it renting it out and im in love with it haha. but its only one room and i cant afford it frown
You do look very nice in the photos. Hope that you got your bus OK.
My bus was late so it all worked out smile
I am not looking forward to this month, every week I have an essay to do, plus 3x a week I have spanish homework, plus discussion groups, plus random assignments everyweek.
im so fucked.
why oh why do i do this to myself
LOL. Crunch week!
I go ooh ooh, you go ah ah

I can't lie lie lie lie lie lie
I wanna wanna wanna get get get what I want
Don't stop
Give me give me give me what you got got
Cause I can't wait wait wait any more more more more
Don't even talk about the consequence
Cause right now you're the only thing that's making...
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this song is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine... I go ooh ooh you go ah ah la la la la la la la la!!! surreal
i came home and i just gave'r got all the dishes done, cleaned my room, organized all my school papers & receipts + junk to get ready to go do my taxes, and now my roomate is making supper and it smells fab-u-lous! mmm so hungry can't wait to eat!

downfalls of today:
-still have not done 6pg essay
-got my composition back and only...
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you always get sympathy when your sickness isn't self induced!! i'm moving out next weekend and i started packing last night. three boxes down yay smile so i'm also sharing your mood of acomplishment!
pukei got really really drunk last night
dear self.
do not ever drink that much again.
i feel like hell.
that is all.
would like to bawl my eyes out right now because i miss barfy so much
i may have a crush on someone.
or else it was just drunkenlust.
dont think it's gonna go anywhere though so no point in dwelling on it.
mmhmmm, gonna watch a movie & pretend that I don't have a 6pg essay due tomorrow along with my other homework. yup. surreal
pfft chase that boy ya never know

if it helps i have to prosperously make my essay bad and then rewrite it to look good( the way i would have originally wrote it)

How about a Disney classic song off key?
welll i figure no point in chasing as i need to really concentrate on my school work as march is insanely busy with assignments due, and then once school is done I'll be moving away for the summer time either back to my hometown, or with my cousin out west...so just easier to not bother with it.

and i love disney! that would be awesome smile

annnnd wanna write my essay for me? i never did it yet.... yikes.eeek
wow been forever since i wrote on here
but i am back home now so i'll be on way more often.
you should come and join the humble little Manitoba group smile We make good chums.
woot woot

btw i got a song ready to sing to youtongue