I'm pretty sure Crake was right.
hey! thanks for answering on my topic! who is crake and why is he right?
hey it sounds interesting! I looked for the title at google and found the synopsis, this book must be good. I have added it to my goodreads profile not to forget. thanks for your help.
my membership will expire soon and I want to keep in touch with you, can you send me an email or add me to

your msn? luana66@gmail.com and lu66_69@hotmail.com are my ids.
SF Bay Area Derby Girls rocked the Sacred City Rollergirls this weekend, 99-74. Came down to the last jam with 1:47 on the clock - whoever got Lead Jammer was going to win it, and Kitt Turbo delivered. It was a nail-biting bout with some brutal blocking by both sides...well worth the 90m drive to Sac.

Also, I am doing my best to absorb a...
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I'm glad you liked itbiggrin Geek all the way!
Thanks for the love on my set smile
Just bought an ESP Viper 400 and Native Instruments' Guitar Rig 3 to replace my aging Gretsch Electromatic and Pod Pro. Love the ESP - the neck fits my hand really well and the EMG 81/85 combo sounds tremendous. Guitar Rig is pretty impressive too. Amp emulation technology has come a long way in the six years since I bought the Pod.

Mmm, tone.
ROLLER DERBY. love love love

I'm working on a cover of Kristin Hersh's The Letter. That song just slew me when the record came out in 1994. I went to her show at Slim's on that tour, got right up front, and asked her to play it...and she said, "Fuck no. That song makes me sick."

Hooray, my one and only Humiliating Rock Star Experience.

So recently, I remembered...
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GenCon's over and done. Made the semifinals in the D&D Open - who'd have thought a D&D tournament would be that much fun? Definitely the highlight of the trip.

Glad to be through the painting grind. Got all the models finished that I was supposed to finish, and went 5-0 in pickup games to boot. Time to relax and paint something I feel like painting...
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Finished a record yesterday. Nine songs, 31 minutes. I think it's really solid. It's taken me something like five or six years to get it to this point, so I'm feeling a little sheepish...not much to show for that much elapsed time. OTOH, it's a big monkey off my back. It'll be much easier to move forward with the other three projects now that the...
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Where the fuck did January go?

December, I understand. December goes away fast in retail because of the consumer chaos.

But January? January's supposed to be nice relaxing downtime, reading on the couch with an Irish coffee while it's pissing rain outside. A langorous, rejuvenating time. Not gone in the blink of a harried eye.


At least I have some things to show for...
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I seem to be too busy living life to spend time chronicling life. No input on the boards, no logging in others' journals, just a quick look at today's girl and off to take care of business.

Not bad, just weird. I think I liked being retired better than this.

Store's busy. Journal's lagging.
you are "into" cooking girls?

how funny, i was looking at them probably while you were commenting on it.

i wasn't around when there were....makes me so frown

that definately is THE greatest g/g set i have seen!!!

and Marla is just a cute, sexy doll!

Dia and Isabelle ain't so bad either .....*drooool*