i was supposd to get up today n go to curve's (yes i joind to work out wit tha old ladies, ha its actually fun tho). but instead i parkd my ass on my computer chair n havent movd for about an hour now lol. least my fingers are gettn excercised. smile

im gettn my hair done tomorrow.. i cant wait for my roots to come...
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yeah, i have a thing for star tattoos too. wink

so how did yr hair turn out? mine i dyed red, it's all sorta fucked up and different colors- i was trying to cover the remaining pink which was looking horrible. oh well, one of these days it'll look good again.
i havent been on here in FOREVER! hope everyone is doin good. i been ok..

my hair lady bleachd my entire head and i look ridicukous.. so i have this like super super light blonde hair right now, once it gets a little healthier n my roots start to come in im gonna get it done red. fuck blonde. too high maintenance. ha.

my gram...
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hahaha. my pink hair is not washing out as much as it should, so my hair looks ridiculous with the roots growing out and stuff... oh well i guess.

i hope your grandma is ok!

i hate snow!!!! we haven't had that bad of a winter. but today is like the first day of spring already!
so ya.. i got the callback... well email back to become a suicide girl.. n wtf how am i supposd to get a photographer? blah. why cant things be easy... lol. ill b taken my pics by myself. <3

ok gotta go back to tha fn laundromat n get my clothes.
That is so awesome!!! I would love to become one but I just haven't fully decided yet.
that's cool. yeah, you could always take the pics yourself or have a friend do it. hehe. that might be fun. wink
your never gonna believe this shit!!! they took vh1 off my cable to put a 24 hour local news station... WTF!! how tha frig am i supposd to watch i love new york now?? gawd thats stupid. nothin even goes on up here int his area, wtf do we need to listen to stupid shit 24 hours a day. if i wanna kno tha news...
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You mean they took VH1 off to put a 24-hour news channel and you have digital cable?!? That's freakin nuts! I don't watch MSNBC and those other news channel, I just read the newspaper and watch the local news.

What plans you have for your birthday?

Take care, hon! kiss
That really blows!

its freakn cold out today. i can hear tha wind hittn my window. no way in hell am i goin outside at all today. lol.. hell im not even gettn outta my pajamas..fuck it.

so we watchd tha super bowl last night. commercials didnt impress me much. i was kinda disappointed that tha bears lost too. i dont even really like them but hell...
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You're day sounds delightul! I wish I could've stayed in my pajamas but maybe I'll do that tomorrow.
I wasn't impressed with the commercials at all either. I was pretty much disapointed and can't really remember any of them.
You have great day in the warmth, hon. smile This morning, I was freezing my face off to go to work and after work, I went straight the hell home to get to my warm, cozy home, with pink flannel PJ's and flannel sheets.

The Super Bowl commercials sucked yesterday, except for the Letterman promo commercial with Oprah. That made me laugh!
2nd post of tha day.. i recommend readn my other one lol.

im in a better mood. i ate some beets for lunch, dont ask. im weird. im tryna eat healthy so i can shed some pounds. i was gonna do no carb diet but i ate half a veggie hoagie along wtih my beets today. so oh well. its tha thought that counts.

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hi. smile yeah i'm eating healthy too. vegan diet, lots of good fruits and veggies. no way i'm going back to the bad stuff. i think i feel better on this diet than any other. smile

bored wit my myspace

Myspace is good idea gone horribly wrong.
You'd think after being bought out by a large corporation they could at least hire someone to clean up their code. GOSH.

hola.. so i gotta say i have been quite miserable this weekend. i have no tolerance for ignorant people, lemme say that first off. second, i regret movn to a small town. people are so lame up here seriously.. i go to this bar ALL THE TIME. its a cool place, good food, tha bartender is cool. well saturday night we were there hangn out...
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MORNING! ya i woke up supier early again today. idk wats wrong wit me. but its not fun. i got to watch rachael this morning tho so im happy. i love her. im hungry already too. lol ima pig.

we went to chilli's last night for dinner, i love that place. n the beers are buy one get one free. how awesome is that! free...
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sorry for the waking up early...I hate that...and then you can't get back to sleep even though it's 5 in the moring and you're fucking TIRED, so you're pissed off and you jump on the internet

or maybe that's just me... biggrin

and I'm sorry, but...not even for a beauty such as you would I dl AIM again...

but if you have yahoo! messenger or are interested, I'm buttered_toast_99.

Well, Take care!
yawn.. i woke up way too early today. AND i missd watchn rachael ray today. damnit. all cause i hadda go to stupid laundromat. i hate that place. i so want my own washer n dryr. i keep telln my boyfriend n he said ok but still dont have one. lol. im greedy, i want one, like now!!!!

i checkd my email this morning n...
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rachael ray kicks serious ass. i sit on my couch n swear that i can make wat she makes.. but in reality i cant cook worth a shit. lol.
YAY! For YOU! I wish I would find it in mine as well! Congrats. NOW, be creative and beautiful YOU and you will get a set they will post!~

Thanks for the friendship request!

Rhindi kiss
My ass hurts from sittn in this desk chair for so long today. So I'm retiring to my couch to wait for American Idol to come on and drink a ridiculous amount of beer. Yay. See ya's tomorrow.


btw i think pirates are funny.. i wish they had a lil ninja face guy thing.

ok <3
Oooh a ninja! I thought the same thing because I went through hoping I'd see one but sadly that is a no. I dated this guy a while back that thought he was a ninja and that got me on a kick (but we never acted on that)for a while but we ended up breaking up. I still thought about ninja's though...
So I been sittn on this website for about hour n a half now, n im KINDA figurn it out. Its hella confusing tho.. like seriously. I was prob like this when I first startd myspace tho. So wateve I guess. smile

Jus a quick lil blog to see wat happens after I post it.. hehe blush