Please forgive me. I've been soooo inactive lately, had so many personal things to deal with all at once. I promise I'll get back to everyone and update my page more. Love you all 😘

Nothing to forgive. Take time for you. You are the most important. Β Be strong, live, laugh, love, dance. You are such a beautiful woman inside and out. Be the best you that you can be. We are here for you
Thank you so much ❀ you're too kind

This is gonna be kind of a backwards thing, but I'd love to get to know all of my followers. So I'm challenging you all this; message me, with 5 of the best moments of your life, 5 of the worst, 5 of your favorite songs and why, and last but not least 5 things that can make any bad day good. I'm looking forward...
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Good you don't have tons of followers yet πŸ˜… , allright I'll give it a try

1. Focus on you. Take time for you. You are worthy, you are a good person, you are beautiful. Stop settling. 2. Go out. Be wild. Be fun. Dance, sing, be obnoxious. Who cares what they think. 3. Stop spending your money on dumb shit. 4. Go to school. 5. Talk to your mama more. @bloghomework

Cute blog Gorgeous the live and learn things
You are worthy and you are a beautiful woman inside and out. Hold on to these for the next 40 years. It will serve you well