Hello there Everyone, as you all may know, I've Taken some time away from here to deal with some personal things going on in my life that were seriously affecting my state of mind. Unfortunately, During That Time, i ended up shutting down and pushed someone away, that for a great while i cared very deeply about. which was not very cool at all. I truly regret doing so, because she didnt do anything to deserve this sort of behaviour or treatment. We've since spoken. Right Now, the future of our friendship is uncertain as i feel like I Ruined a great thing by essentially Throwing it away. Im Not Looking For any Sympathy Or any Pity, but looking back at that decision that i clearly made, i certainly do regret it indeed. And yet she has reached out and left the door open for communications if i want to talk. It's Not a "No" ..... But at the Moment, i need to let things just be for now. Anyway. Im Completely on the Mend and doing well. Work is keeping me super busy, as we've lost both a Lead Cook and another Dishwasher, so they've got me pulling double duty until the spots are filled, Which suits me just fine. I've kinda started drinking again, not every day, mind you, but definitely more than what i was previously. It's Sorta Helped Numb Me a bit in this time, but time has come to put the bottle away for now and get back on track. Speaking of which, Im gonna stick around for a while, Maybe til April, which is when my membership expires. Dont Know what i'll do when that time comes. maybe i will renew, maybe i'll take a break for a while again.
In The time being, while my account is active, i'll be popping in from time to time to continue with the fun that i've had with this community. I've Noticed that i've lost a few Followers, and i guess due to my behavior, i deserve that. You Learn to live another day, and Soldier on.
Thanks For Listening. Now, Where Was I?