Ok so I need some help. I'm trying to explain to my girlfriend why I'm jealous. I trust her with my whole heart and I know she would never cheat on me, but I still get really jealous because I have been hurt really bad in the past. And I know she is not my ex. Anyone have some advice for me?????
Hello Lovey.. Thank you for the add!!

I'm going to be moving to the DFW area in August.. Hopefully! Yay fun lol. As far as your situation with your girlfriend goes though.. Maybe it is just something that takes time. It'll take time for you to realize that she is not like your ex gf and will not hurt you like she did. Being overly jealous is hard though.. It makes it seem like you don't trust her. In her eyes thats what she's going to take it as. I really just think its something that is going to take time. You're just going to have to realize that she is not going to cheat on you and stuff like that.
Ya.... get over it. Jealousy comes from a non trusting place. So if you don't trust her, be jealous. But if you do trust her let her prove to you that she does love you and wont cheat on you. If you breath down her back all the time you are only going to drive her away. I understand being hurt in the past, I have been cheated on many times, but I don't portray that personality onto the person I am currently dating or else it would never work. Next time she is going out with people you ate jealous of make plans for yourself as well to keep your mind off of it. Good luck man.....
My neck is doing better thanks to the Oxycontin my Dr. gave me. biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
I guess I hurt my neck yesterday and I have no idea how. I woke up this morning and cant move it all. I was supposed to play in a golf tournament and now I just hope I don't have to go to the Dr. At least its the weekend maybe ill be alright by Monday. blackeyed
Me to thanks sweety.. smile
hope you feel better soon!
Why do things never turn out the way you want them to your career your life your love.One day you are on top of the world and the next everyone beats you down. But 2009 Is the start of something new for me i will make my dreams come true things will be better. In 2009 I will become the person I know I can...
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Things turn out the way they are supposed to!! This will be your year! wink
So yeah this is my 1st Christmas to spend all alone and to tell you the truth i really sucks... So here is to all the people who are single and can't see their family on Christmas have drink with me and just keep in mind that it will get better soon.... Come on 2009 hell yeah....... ARRR!!!
I had my 1st run in with real hash yesterday and OH MY GOD I love it.... eeek
well it sounds like my company is moving me to so Cal in about a month.... cant wait ARRR!!!