4th week down on this new workout program. Trying to get this body back to the way it was. 5 more weeks to go and then cutting for another tournament. This time I got my diet down. No wheat, no dairy, granola for carbs. Turns out I am only wheat gluten sensitive.

Follow me on instagram: shadowsidesnake1984

Deleted my Facebook, switched to Instagram. Fed up with the political bullshit. Not to mention, people are fake as hell. The memes are LIES.


I'm starting to wonder about some things now. I'm gonna be 34 on tuesday and I know when I was in my early 20's I kinda considered that "old" if not "older". Seeing younger inexperienced women go after these guys their age is interesting. I look at them and I see the former version of myself. What I can't stand is the culture that seems...
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Weigh ins were at 9am and I was overweight. I took my supplements waaaay too early.I didn't eat breakfast because I thought I was going to get in early. I sat there for 4 damn hours before the division I was in wrestled. My social anxiety was through the roof and I was burned out after watching all my teammates roll. I lost my first...
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Got the job at Lowe's for Stocking/Receiving in Lawn and Garden. Goes good with my job at the Soil and Seed Shop. Now, I will have total access to all the equipment and things needed to build my greenhouse and have my business ready for next year. Tournament in 9 days. Lifting all weekend, rolling 3 days next week, then resting for 3. Everything is...
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