I am now an official resident of Long Beach, CA!!! Of course this is only temporary until I have enough saved to move out of the state next year, but I'm super excited to explore so much of the city!!!


Completely forgot that I still had this thing. Anyway, looking for a new state to live in is becoming rather tedious and draining. All I know is that I need to be around a water source and snow. I need those two in my life. Help?


Just reactivated my SG account, paid off a few bills, looking for new jobs, and looking for an apartment. The struggles and beauty of life.

welcome again XD
welcome back!

Hey guys! It's been way too long since I updated this thing. Work has been nuts the last couple of months! You really want a physical and mental workout? Work in a restaurant. On the beach. In the summer season. With a bunch of temper tantrum kids trapped inside adult bodies. Everyday is very stressful, but nonetheless, the money is coming in and things are...
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