Original message reads:

Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building , and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,

"Under God."
Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone.

In that case, we don't
want to offend anyone...
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Hey guys, I'm done with the initial rebuild of my site and now I need your opinions. By initial I mean that all the elements are there, but that's about it nothing more. Your opinionswould be really appreciated. So here's the link: http://www.meridiansage.com and when you are done looking around click on the kisses link to get to my guestbook and leave your opinion. Thanx...
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The website looks great!!
Thanx Chic! SO when we gonna hang out?
PCOS diary weeks 5, 6 & 7
Current mood: cranky
Category: Life

Sorry that is has been so long since I have written. For the past few weeks I have been away with family and no where near computers. So here's my update:

Week 5: I was coming dangerously close to running out of my Metformin so I started calling my doctor everyday trying to...
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PCOS diary week 3

So this week was a complete contrast to last week. I think it was for the better too. My moods were definately more centered and no one really argued with me or stood me up which was wonderful. I think the only thing that got worse was my relationship with my son. He's not taking my changes too well. Then, what...
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So another model of mine tried out for suicide girls and she made it past stage one!!!!!! I am so excited and she is still in shock. We are both hoping that she makes it past the second part and becomes an official suicide girl. It would definatley be cool especially if I can photograph her. Well, we shall see. Cross your fingers everyone!!!!!
Originally posted on MySpace (Wednesday, August 09, 2006)

PCOS diary week 2
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

So week 2 was kind of crazy. I got into an argument with my brother, I managed to upset my father ON his birthday, and I found a way to have more than 5 people stand me up on one day. On the bright side, I am beginning...
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Thanks for the info, it does help with all the confusion. I can see the difference, although you are right, Tranformus is a pretty big camp. A lot of people look at it as a small city.
i so want to meet you love
Posted on Myspace (Wednesday, August 02, 2006)

PCOS diary week 1
Current mood: amused

So as many of you know, I'm fucked up royally with a million and one problems. PCOS is one of many that I started my treatment on last Tue. Since this treatment is suppossed to help me lose wieght and get my hormones back in balance I decided to keep a...
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For those of you who don't read my blog on myspace, I going to be posting some of those on here. That way I don't have to retype them and everyone will be up to date on my progress. oink
Ohhhhhhhhh . . Life sucks!!!! I just heard from my model that she didn't get accepted as a Suicide Girl. She was so excited. They didn't even tell her why they said no. Oh well I told her not to worry, many girls have to try more than once to get in. She's still upset though. I dunno, we'll see what happens.
That sucks! I really wanna apply but I'm scared of them saying no! Who knows, maybe if she applies again things will go her way. tongue