This is my local independent comic shop who thanks to some renervation work on the Thorntons Arcade they're situated in is experiencing some hard times so for any of you that read my rambling dissertations and happen to frequent Leeds help them out and buy your fix there 'cause the place is awesome and the staff are some of the friendliest and most knowledgeable Comic Book Guys around and I for one would be gutted if it disappeared as a result of uncaring Powers That Be.
So I went to go see

with Hazzad the other day and it was probably the best film I've seen in the cinema in forever really. The place was packed, I don't think there was a spare seat anywhere which is why I always get confused as to why people always turn up at the last minute for a film they apparently really want to see. It's been a long,long time since I've seen a film at the cinema that doesn't treat the audience like a set of knuckle dragging morons by constantly recapping the plot and having endless explanatory dialogue as though the audience is supposed to be unable to pay attention to anything for more than 30 seconds. I'm not even going to say anything else about it other than when the film finished people were clapping!! Which is in distinct contravention of the rules of Britishness that's how good it was.
After the film went back to Hazzad's place and hung out with Mirishal who was clearly very excited about going to Scarborough (which is why she couldn't join us for film hijinks) and the boys eating pizza whilst watching The Wedding Singer before having to leave and go on a mad scramble for the last bus home, I covered just short of a mile in 15 minutes,ha.
Went out for drinks with the drunkards that make up my art class which was as entertaining as ever and resulted in one of them who is apparently writing a sitcom based in a supermarket asking if they can use me as the basis for a character. It was also ace 'cause Yana was there who is a)stunning b)Russian c)a red head and d)counts skydiving as a hobby, so it's entertaining watching men turn into gibbering fools in her presence.
Went to see Chris Selman with emma_treasure who was really good ( kudos to Mr Ewart Hodge on viola it pisses me off when people think it's a violin especially for the Lady Gaga cover) despite playing in what is possibly the smallest venue in the whole of Leeds with a maximum capacity of something like 30 people ( seriously, there's no stage and you'll lose your seat if you need to go for a piss) and being located in what has to be the worst part of Leeds City Centre, Call Lane. The following band March Of Dimes were possibly the blandest band I have ever seen live, they were so bland they don't even warrant the required emotion involved to be called bad that's how bland they were.
I've done my first assignment for my Open University course no doubt very badly.
I was also back in the kitchen the other day and made some carrot cake:

(the photo's not very good for scale but that's a dinner plate and a mondo sized cake)
For those of you that want even more words here's my view on some more music:
I was going to write something sensible but..........CAKE.......took over.