so i post this because i haven't posted anything in five days...

nothing is really going on...

CHB was suppose to have a concert last night...
but since the guitarist is out of the country... God's joke picked up the slack..
i didn't go because i didn't have enough gas money to get there and back...

so me and Matt sat around my apartment and...
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i'm alive...
not in jail...
not even hung over...
it was an excelent weekend
i stole a floger.. smile
i went sailing...
saw a whole shit load of friends i haven't seen in a while
and hooked up with a very pretty girl...
she stole my hoodie and now i'm cold -.-

but all is well
and i hope you had a good weekend too!
And what do you plan on doing with this floger?

You hooked up with a girl and she steal from you?

That sounds like my kind of luck.
some of you may be wondering what i do when i'm not a school, making model rockets or looking at pretty SG's..
actually i bet none of you have wondered.. well shame on you because i wonder what you do!!!!
no really... when i'm not doing those things... i live, breath, eat, and think everything about these bands....
i bust my ass wherever needed...
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I listened to each of them, and they're all pretty cool. I like 17:15, very interesting stuff.

How did your birthday parties go? Drink too much? You're still alive, right? Right...?

we run around and fill our proscription for the man.
we learn what the man tells us to
We teach what the man tells us to
we rehabilitate what the man tells us to..

and then you go out to chill with your buds
and all they want to do is talk about how the man f*cks them in the ass..
or how they need...
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Can I watch? whatever biggrin
No boys!!!!
No way! smile
so thursday night around 9pm.. me and my best friend Matt were sitting around myhouse working out various plans to get green and alcohol.. when suddenly i had a stroke of genius.. "LET GO TO WACO"
and... 2 minutes later.. we were in the car headed south...

about an hour in to the trip (it usualy takes about 2)
i realized i had a meeting...
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I had a little bottle of vanilla vodka that had been in the freezer forever, so I found a martini recipe to use it in called a Russian Pussy. It was good to start things off. So no need to drink one for me, I'm on top of it (and I did think of you when I was drinking it).

Yell at me. Seriously, I'm such a moron and I hate it when I get all pathetic in my goddam journal entries, so feel free to tell me I'm full of shit. I need to hear it at times. And don't worry about me falling off the top of the world. wink
Last time I was in waco was around '92 I think? My friends and I piled into a car and drove out there because we heard about some crazy cult and a standoff with the ATF. You guessed it, David Koresh and the branch Davidians. Yup. we tried to sneak in the back roads and the ATF stopped us and ran all our I.D.'s and then let us go. So we went to the highway roadside where there were telescopes set up to see the compound and I bought a t-shirt that said David Koresh world tour and had a cartooon of him playing the guitar. Then we went home. We had no idea that a week later they would all burn to the ground. Yup, last time I was in waco. Welcome to Dallas.
went to court today for my minor in consumption charge...
the judge was VERRY NICE!

6 hours of drunk class
9 hours of comunity service
150$ fine....

see?! i think he knew i was poor...

i'm going to go take my test and then get drunk..
Yeah, that could have been a lot worse, I suppose. I managed to never get caught for such a thing, but I bet it's usually a stiffer penalty.

I bought some gin, btw. Hendricks. Nice stuff. wink

thanks for commenting.

damn....you got off with less of a fine than I did for my third speeding ticket I pled down to "Failure to obey a traffic device"

lucky you!

and drunk at 19? children! wink
so today was a drag....

its all in my head.. i know.. but that dosen't take away the fact that it sucked

in my sociology class i like to play devils advocate.. be the opnion that everyone hates.. it secreatly gives me great plesure to see them get mad.. start to think.. and then suddenly they flower in to a process of thought/ opinion/ history...
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thanks for the comment!

the saying is true. the flesh is willing, but the body is weak. My mental state always overtakes my physical wants or needs. Right now, I'm just trying to reverse that. It's a long fight, but one worth fighting.
Don't you just hate getting sucked in the head?

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(best if done going back and forth between suicidegirls and memebers)

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if i have met you like this: HELLO!!!! nice to meet you!!! spred the love..

yes spred the love.. all over the mushy bodies...
like a pimento cheese on a rainy picknick..
Well Im glad thats workin for ya.
I'm the steak girl that made you hungry. Or hungrier. biggrin

And all things considered, going about randomly commenting on blogs is a really good plan to strike up some conversations and make friends on the site.

Welcome to the SG! You'll have fun here.
So i went and saw Alice in Chains last night at the NOKIA theater and it was STELLER!
except for some old man sitting behind me and my friend calling my friend "huey" and telling him to sit down.. wich we both ignored the whole time... and me making this older lady that was seated next to me break down in to tears... i'm not...
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"Girls with little dogs", eh? No, you're probably right, you'd have no fun if I ruled the world, because I'd probably be trying to change that to "little girls with dogs" instead. Nothing cuter than a cute girl with a big dog; say a Siberian Husky (my favorite) or something similar. smile

... Which gives me a great idea for a photoshoot, now that I think about it. *sketching idea on paper before I forget*
Yeah, I saw the most beautiful malamute ever today; he was as big as you would imagine a large wolf and had the most intelligent-looking eyes I've seen on a dog. He didn't bark much either, he mainly talked, going "Baauuuwauuuh" :-)

Anyhoo, it's 4 AM over here and I should be heading to bed. I've got to head to town to get my camera checked out tomorrow, seems there's dust on the digital sensor :-P
lets get mixed up..

in the odor' of spontaneous human combustion

because it might be spontaneous.

or the work of a public deviant

or networked hatred
or personal enhancement.

either way the stench still lingers

and weeps to a neighbor in the basement

tears of whimsical, translucent, innocence.

what's it like to be no one?

only to exist when wanted.

you know.. .

it doesn't...
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strong scent linked in my memory: summer sea breeze, or just rained-on concrete in spring.

newest scent i enjoy: the new soap i have at my shop's toilet, LOL. it's vanille.

latest scent i hate: smell of detah (i mention this only cause i talk about it in mylatest journal, ahaha!)

welcome to the site, by the way smile

The strongest is the smell of burning bodies and trash. The newest is is the herb my girlie buys.