So, it gets lonely.

And 30 minutes of saying goodbye has always been fairly standard, but I suddenly had this... urge to go sleep, too. But it would have been cold. And hard. Counter to what I'd be looking at laying down with.

Also... I finally got The Sun and The Moon Complete. And, win?

[Every word from your mouth is a knife in my...
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Nate was a snake. He liked being a snake, slithering everywhere with little in the world to worry about.

Well, one day Nate was slithering through the jungle, and there he found a lever. There was a sign next to the lever that read "Lever to Destroy the World." Nate decided that this was important, so he told everyone what he had found.

In celebration...
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You boggle my mind, sir.
In that picture.
Just look how much bigger than him that poop is.
[No, all the time]

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

[Now, what are the questions?]

"What's it say?"
"Abandon all hope . . . Mother fuckers."

[Some days, thinking fails me]
Sometime I find that you pull at my heart strings. You move me. As a puppet or not, I couldn't tell you. But you move me. Sometimes to say things that aren't quite true. Sometimes to do stupid things. It's amazing what one will do when properly motivated for it. Compelled, may be a better word for how it feels. But you pull. You tug....
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Only sometimes?
I've actually lost a bunch of dice.
The pretty ones you got me. The
only one i can find is the d6. It
makes me really sad.
Sometimes when I look it's blinding.

Sometimes when I look I don't know what I see.
Then take someone who can guide you,
gentle, full of grace.
Nothing like me.
It is a dangerous place this thing. The human mind. It is full of traps far worse than those of the very worst dungeons. Perils farther reaching than an entire galaxy. And creatures so horrible that even those in deathless sleep have not the time to dream them.

[Witness to the nightmare.]

It is in this place that things that can't be seen or named...
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Deafening silence. How it hurts.


d20 Mod/Faux UA. Goblin Yakuza and Kobold Paramilitary ftw?

My life is fail.
There is no 'real magic.' Certain abilities can be made analogous through science or technology. By player request, reasonable abilities can be explained through advanced, character approrpiate technologies.

The world is populated with alternative races to simply humanity, thus leaving the world in a semi-magical state. There are varied degrees of racial biggotry between the races. Recent events have put certain groups on edge against...
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i wanna play blackeyed
Blah. Internet sucks now. If I can get on it I just feel like I'm wasting time.

But I keep coming back to it. 'Cause sometimes there is something worth getting on for.

Am I crazy?