Been hangin' round the chat room the past few nights.
Haven't been able to say much because everyone there is only there for one person pratically.
So I try to throw in little comments here and there.
Listen to some people over the audio...
Or watch two hat wearing bank robbers flash the camera. (good times)
We'll see if activity picks up.
I don't talk...
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A few things you should know about me:

I'm balding. And I'm only 24. frown So I keep my head buzzed real close.

I twirl any and all hair on my body. (It's a habbit... don't ask)

I like to think I'm artistic. But I easily discourage myself.

I'm quiet. Mostly because I had a very talkative best friend as a kid.

Everything I see and...
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thanx for the add xo
WoW me:

Skywall server:
Opheles - Level 30 BE Rogue
Melghast - Level 26 BE Warlock
Idilys - Level 10 Undead Warrior

Uldum server:
Blackfathom - Level 43 Human Warrior

Generally on after 5pm California time.
Been playing for about 2 years now... off and on.
I love grouping with people, so /tell me when you're on!
Hoping to be a little more active on here than last time.
Making friends is fun.
Though hard. ARRR!!!