Took the new bike in to the shop today. Didn't get to take pictures of her yet. Needs tires, brakes and a couple of other things. It'll be a hefty bill, but when it's done I shouldn't need to put more money back into here for a while. I'm anxious for her to come home.
Good luck with the bike. I know what you mean about wanting her to come home. My jeep has been in the shop for awhile and I really miss her.
this made me smilllllle.
I just bought a motorcycle. I've had my license for a few days now. Bought a bike tonight. I scare myself sometimes. More to come... I still need to do the insurance and registration before I can pick it up. then I'll give you some pictures.
Wow! sounds fun!! smile
What colour is it?
I seem to have lost my sense of humor over the last few days. High levels of stress. Job dissatisfaction. Yard work. House cleaning. And I can't seem to find that damned sense of humor. I think I need to take time to read a book.

In other news. We got our gov't free money!

In other other news. I think I may be purchasing...
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I want free government money frown
I passed all aspects of my motorcycling course so it is just a matter of going to the DMV and getting a bike. Unfortunately, dealing with the DMV seems to be the easier of the two tasks.

The weather is beautiful. I wish I weren't so tired. The weather makes me want to go outside and build things, but the sleep deprivation makes me want...
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Oh boy was there ever!!!!!!
All the stores we've been to are sold out at the moment, but I'm sure it will be in our possession soon. Very soon.

Totally bummed. My '79 Kawasaki bike just fell through. I was supposed to have it as a loaner for the summer, but apparently it is in pretty rough shape so I'll have to look for other options. Why aren't motorcycles cheaper? Makes being broke suck even more.
thanks for the tip on withers smile
Based on the underwhelming response to my last blog, I'm fairly well convinced that no is reading these blogs. I guess that's ok. More freedom to really say what I want about the state of the world. I'm frustrated. Our culture seems to have its priorities all mixed up and I get too caught up in it most of the time. I'm sitting here in...
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And Mr. Brown was right. If you think about it, I bet you can figure out what you can do.
Read you intro in the MC group and read your blog (ditto to all), too. I hope you riding is satisfying.

I like the idea of a loaner beater bike to start with so long as it it not a complete and dangerous shitbox. Please be certain that the tires are up to snuff and if not commit to getting new ones soonest. Spend as much money as you possibly can on a really good (full face) helmet but not the extra $100 for the cool paint job as black or white is just as good at protecting your noggin. Spend the paint money on those tires. A Triumph Scrambler or similar is not only a great new-to-riding bike but also an all around excellent ride. Buy used. Don't even think of new until you are rolling in cash. There are tons of really sweet used bikes out there.

Best wishes.
It's been a rough winter. I've been sick for most of it. I'm finally feeling like I'm on the way back now, but still not thinking clearly. I rear-ended someone yesterday because I just wasn't paying attention to things the way I should have. Just a love tap. No damage to them and minor damage to my car. I guess I'll just keep it until...
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I got itches. I'm frustrated with the budget. Being on a tight budget, quite honestly, makes me want more stuff. during times when I've had enough money to not have to worry about it, i've ended up not worrying about it. Now I'm obsessing about getting a motorcycle, and XBox, GPS system. I don't really need any of it, but I want. and I feel...
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If I had money I'd give it to you. Not having a job has made me want more things as well which really doesn't make any sense. I've been thinking about you and I hope you are doing well. kiss
Life gets so, so, so overwhelming sometimes. I feel like I've been fighting for weeks. Four weeks with a congested ear. Social interaction is so difficult when you really can only partially her. I've gained a new empathy for those with legitimate hearing impairments. I feel like i have no right to complain since mine is only a temporary condition, but it is still annoying...
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I love that you knew that kiss
I hope you're feeling better by now. Let us know when you get the bike!
I've developed Glue Ear. I have basically no hearing in my left ear. It doesn't hurt, but it is making me more than a little crazy. Is this anyway to start off a new year? It sounds like the only thing to do is wait it out, and apparently, it could be months before the fluid reabsorbs.
Newton and Darwin Play Flashlight Tag At Dusk

Newton's third law of social dynamics states,
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We all have choices.
With each action the possibilities spread out like a quantum web,
a safety net waiting to catch us and to let us fall simultaneously.

It's the law.

Inalienably, we are all accorded equality and opposition.

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Happy New Years. I hope that 2008 treats you well. kiss
Thank you for the nice comment on my set; you make me blush!
We got ice last night. I don't have to be to work as early. Officially an extra 90 minutes. Despite the fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep, I haven't gone back to bed. I think somewhere inside, hidden from me, I must actually like this partial zombie state that I live in. Fumbling through the days, clumsy and distracted. I have...
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The diana is almost EXACTLY like the holga. If you wanna check it out there is more info on Lomography's site smile