I AM ALIVE!!!! I MISS YOU ALL!!! I've been reading the comments everyone has been writing about me, i'm sorry, i'll try not to neglect, my 'peeps' anymore. I've been busy moving and dealing with a bunch of BULLSHIT!! hopefully all that is done with now and i'll be able to enjoy my summmer. I don't have a working computer so don't be surprized if you don't hear from me for a while. it's not because i don't love you, it's because i'm a lazy bitch and i dont get to computers that often. anyway, i'll talk to you later, I'm gonna go get laid.......

What if we all spent a few minutes around sunrise or sunset and thought about peace. And what if we took a picture of ourselves at that moment and sent it to all our friends.
just an idea.
peace is rare. we should share it when we can.
-- sperkins