R.I.P. Savanna. frown

Hope you're havin' fun as you read this, Lindsey. biggrin
Well well well.

I have officially been a member on SG for 5 years. This totally secures my reputation as a really gross creepy pervert. ha! I figured this was worthy of an entry. I've been the new member, the chatter, the blogger, the infrequent visitor and the observer. I have gone from spending 8-10 hours a day on SG - having many friends/fans to...
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I dunno if I'd say you have no friends. Most just have moved on. This place is everchanging. Always. biggrin
observable effects in nature are best explainable only by natural causes, without reference to, or an assumption of, the existence or non-existence of supernatural notions.
There can be observations of effects that are not in nature? I thought we just called those "hallucinations". biggrin

I just realized something, or re-remembered something about this site. Ever since the first day i joined in April 2003, this place became an obsession, an escape, a place to immerse myself when the life around me began to change in a way that felt unfamiliar. Through the years i alternated between being very active on here to seeing my account lapse for months...
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It wouldn't be much a 'journal' if you edited them out now, would it. I make it a point to never edit my old journals except to be more clear on what I originally meant. It's meant to be a legacy of your life since you joined SG here. If anyone ever asks anything about anything I post I'm always more than welcome to discuss it. I'm always an open book. It's simple. Make all deisions with a clear consience and you'll never have any regrets and if someone says you did something less than optimal, well, either there was no mistake and they don't understand or are unable to accept that you're a human being who's inherantly imperfect. Either way, fuck em. biggrin

Another year gone...almost. Strange.
Not another year gone, another year lived. You didn't lose a year, you gained a year of experiences.

Live it, love it.

Yea. I just use it to post videos n shit. LIke this one. biggrin

So i was browsing my pics and good lord! They are so old! By old i mean 2003 naked cam show screen shots! SO OLD! Course, im an old woman now and look much different! haha So anyway, i vow to update that section in due time.

Ok well, this entry wont be long, yet. Like i promised. Not like length really matters here, the...
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How can Beppo read your journals? He died in the 70s. I think you mean that beppo is the only one who reads them. Which is quite possible.

That doesn't look like a very short update.

It's doubtful that too many folks reading this will be able to read that post in the chatters group because it's a private group. Most people on SG nowadays have like 200 people on their friends list which means that viewing their friends journals is a highly selective procesess. So chances are, since you only have three people on your friends list at the moment anyway, the only people who are gonna read this are the ones who are gonna read this are random people who don't already have any friends that randomly come across your profile like from the main page or the hookup page.

Haha yea, you'd definitely wanna trust people who I barely even talk to and have no idea what i'd be saying over what I'd say were you to ask me. Since I always tried to lead you on n such when I'd talk to you. wink

You're someone whos being near I'll never ever ever forget either and always think about on ling drives somewhere. biggrin

The perv inside has returned!

Naked chicks, man!

Ok ok, i'll *try to have a more concise journal entry soon, perhaps a 'what ive been up to the last 6 months-ish' post. haha

Have a great Thursday!
HA! Like you was actually gonna go away. biggrin
Where is everybody? Where am I?

i have returned for you and your spoons of puddin!
Hawaii?! God damn it man, I'm supposed to be in California!


Well where the hell was I? And who's this Cheryll?!

i have to write a paper and instead i am going camping! hahah a
well, i will just be writing it later, or tomorrow.

Went to fort worth for a work thing, wasnt as eventful as going to houston events and then lakehouse afterwards buuut....we did make a lovely stop at the fort worth botanic gardens which was AMAZING....until a huge thunderstorm washed us out....
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