drunk. at least enough. Listening to Giant - Song. The name of their band is now Braveyoung. This record is timeless. Epic, tragic, wonderful... I'm in the downward phase. I can get out of it. I just have to exist for a few more miserable days til I find something to be excited about aside from music. Music tends to give me the strength to...
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why is it that girls are attracted to guys that bring them more pain than joy or happiness. It's bullshit. I could treat every girl I meet like shit and get laid more than ever but I can't bring myself to sink that low. Believe it or not I actually respect people. I respect their boundaries and limitations and I don't go where I'm not...
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Ahhh. I am also a hermit. I don't have contact with other humans other than the ones I decide to let in that day.

As to why girls choose douchewipes - they do that 'cuz they like a challenge. Or so I've been told. I'm not one of those masochistic chicks, so, I only have oral tradition insight.
challenge? that's bullshit. they think they can change the dude into some sort of gentleman they can take home to their mothers. enjoy the brutal break up cuz god knows that's all their gonna get.
continue not being one of those stupid girls and you'll go far. you'll go far kid! I'm telling ya!
Listening to Struck by Lightning. Just a ridiculous record. I fucking love it. It's not helping my depression much but that's ok. I need the down to feel the up. Just enjoy what you can until it all works out. And it will. I have faith in that. I have faith only in that. only. getting drunk again. not a good idea. but gonna go...
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got back from california, car got towed the day after i left. awesome $236 down the drain to get my own property back from the city of minneapolis. go fuck yourselves. eat shit. god fucking damnit.

Otherwise, excellent trip. my brother rules. I wish I lived there with him. I'd probably be a much happier person. I'm so discontented where I am. Must do something....
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no date. total lie. flake flake fake. but i guess that's how you should treat people. I will never succumb to that bullshit. I treat people the way I want to be treated and I always will. It's not common sense or even common courtesy, it's just people knowing that they should be polite or considerate. and I'm sorry but if you can't even accomplish...
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Shitty weekend at work, decent tuesday! got a bottle of Elk Cove Pinot Noir for tomorrow when i hopefully go to Fogo de Chao with my friend Jason. It's gonna be epic! And now to listen to the Gallows record for the 20th time. word!

Correction: Jason overslept, didn't eat at fogo, but got a lot done today. I also just grilled and had that...
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decent days are better than shitty ones... thanks for the love on the set... smile
I go there every time I want a board game, or want new dicesmile It's a great place.