
Just over 6 months on since I joined this site and how telling is it that I have wanted to post another blog just to contribute!? What is it about this pin-up website that that after 17 years and 8 and ½ months has created a microcosm of a community? Is it the fact that some of the most beautiful women in the world
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I don't know if I'm as popular as some of the models, but thanks for the vote of confidence! The synergy you mentioned, however, is very true to this community. It's a beautiful thing, actually. Sure, there are the many gorgeous models and talented photographers delivering us these amazing views of "hot" ladies, but the creative energies and love that goes into the community and even the sets is fantastic. Every set is so much more than "tits and ass" with themes, stories, personalities, and (not as often shared) behind the scenes magic filled with friendship, comedy, love, laughter, and so many things that give it a life beyond what we see at first glance. Continually growing, I remember when the site seemed to be more US based way back in the day and to see it expand across the world and continue to grow like an actual village or city with a population of personalities that range well beyond models with scientists, gamer nerds, writers, marathon runners, MMA fighters, and so many more... it's amazing. Diverse, beautiful, intelligent, loving... you nailed much of this on the head. Great post and thanks for the share! It's always great to see more members participate like this and show the love for the folks behind it all. Thanks for being part of the community!


We all have an SG that we secretly hope to bump into at the grocery store some day or a Hopeful that we are hopeful for, or maybe even a dozen of each! And I bet all of us were following the site before we became members or Hopefuls. I was on the site and in addition to some o the most talented and
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@luxyden That's very kind of you to say, thank you!